学习啦在线学习网 《后会无期》是一部由韩寒担任编剧及导演,由冯绍峰、陈柏霖、钟汉良、王珞丹、袁泉、陈乔恩联合主演的喜剧爱情冒险公路电影,讲述了几个在东极岛长大的年轻人决定重新选择自己的前路,在他们横跨大陆的自驾旅途上的传奇经历与际遇让他们有了各自不同的命运归宿的故事。影片于2014年07月24日在中国内地上映。
I watched Han Han’s directorial debut, The Continent, and the latest installment of Guo Jingming’s Tiny Times series, around the same time. The reason is obvious. Both of them are best-selling authors who have turned into film directors.
学习啦在线学习网 不久前,我先后看了韩寒的导演处女作《后会无期》和郭敬明的《小时代3》。原因显而易见,他们都是由畅销书作家转型而成的电影导演。
While I found Guo’s Tiny Times 3 amusing, with The Continent, which was released a week later, I went to the cinema thinking: “Well, this may be something I’ve been waiting for — a more serious film.” No offense to Guo and his Tiny Times. Maybe I’m just a bigger fan of Han, believing that the talented writer, racecar driver and opinion leader is capable of making something special.
学习啦在线学习网 尽管郭敬明的《小时代3》比《后会无期》早上映一周,而且看上去很有趣,但是,去电影院时,我想,“这(《后会无期》)也许就是我一直期待的:一部严肃的电影。”当然,我无意冒犯郭敬明和他的《小时代3》。也许,这只是因为我更喜欢韩寒,相信这样一个才华横溢的作家、赛车手、以及意见领袖有能力创造出一些与众不同的作品。
Generally, The Continent is about three young men from an island off east China who go on a road trip to the western regions and, along the way, fulfill some of their personal goals. Unsurprisingly, it’s about youth, dreams and farewells.
学习啦在线学习网 电影《后会无期》主要讲述了来自中国东边海岛的三个年轻人,横跨中国大陆去往西部,一路完成各自人生目标的故事。毋庸置疑,这是一个关于青春,梦想与告别的故事。
The subject matter is a fitting but safe choice by Han, and his signature literary style and humor is present throughout the 100 minutes. Of course, working on a 50-million-yuan film project is so much more complicated than writing a novel. For example, how do you transfer the script to a limited number of frames; or how do you convey Han’s vision through the actors’ performances?