学习啦在线学习网 Average price: 20 yuan
学习啦在线学习网 Places: All over Taiwan
学习啦在线学习网 A fascinating sunset on the docks and tasty mochi — the memory is still fresh for Che Yujia, 23, a human resources management major at Renmin University of China. In 2012, she went to Taiwan to attend a summer school. One day, on the way back to her hotel after watching the sunset in New Taipei City with her friends, Che tried the snack for the first time. “We ordered two kinds of mochi. One was cold and without any soup. It was a soft mochi wrapped in peanut powder and had a refreshing taste,” Che says. “The other was a hot mochi drenched in a lightly sweetened red bean soup. It was a very satisfying meal.”
学习啦在线学习网 今年23岁的陈玉佳(音译)是中国人民大学人力资源管理专业的一名学生,她曾在2012年去台湾参加暑期学校,而她至今还清晰地记得码头上醉人的落日以及美味的麻糬。当时,她和朋友一起去新台北市看落日,在返回酒店的路上她第一次吃到麻糬。她回忆道,“我们要了两种麻糬。一种是凉的,而且没有汤。软软的麻糬包裹在花生粉里十分爽口。而另一种则是浸在红豆汤中的热麻糬,红豆汤微甜,吃下去让人很满足。”
学习啦在线学习网 Taiwanese meatballs
学习啦在线学习网 Average price: 6 yuan
Places: Central Taiwan
学习啦在线学习网 美食地:台湾中部
When it comes to Taiwanese meatballs, Tsai Zhang-yu (蔡宗余)can’t hide his pride and excitement, because it’s what the 19-year-old’s hometown, Changhua, is best known for. The dish is a fried ball of minced pork wrapped inside a translucent, glutinous shell made of rice and sweet potato flour. Inside the meatball is a mixture of bamboo shoots and mushrooms, and the whole snack is served with a sweet chili sauce. “When it’s cut into pieces, the meat juices flow out and mix with the sweet chili sauce. It tastes great,” Tsai says.
学习啦在线学习网 说起肉圆,蔡宗余难掩自豪与激动之情,这位19岁男孩的家乡——彰化正是因为这种美食而著名。肉圆是由糯米、甘薯粉制成半透明的黏糯外皮,将猪肉馅包裹成球后煎炸而成。肉馅中还会放入笋尖与蘑菇,并在外面淋上甜辣酱。蔡宗余说,“切开肉圆时,里面的汤汁就会流出来,和外面的甜辣酱混在一起。实在是太好吃了。”
Sausage wrapped in glutinous rice
Average price: 10 yuan
Places: Taipei and Taichung
学习啦在线学习网 美食地:台北和台中
When Zhao Yanjun, 22, a chemistry major at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, looks back to her exchange days at Tunghai University in Taiwan, the first thing she remembers is sausage wrapped in glutinous rice. Just as the name suggests, it’s a carb-loaded rice mixture wrapped around a baked sausage. “The baked sausage looks oily, but doesn’t taste greasy, and the rice is soft with a crispy skin,” Zhao says. Among the different flavors, which include spicy, black pepper and wasabi, Zhao recommends the wasabi flavor. “It’s a little strange at first, but it’s very refreshing.”
学习啦在线学习网 北京科技大学化学专业22岁的赵艳君(音译)每每想起她在台湾东海大学交换的日子,首先在脑海中浮现出的都是大肠包小肠。正如其名,大肠包小肠是由混着蟹肉的米肠将烤好的台湾香肠包裹而成。赵艳君说,“里面的烤肠看似油光闪闪但丝毫不腻,而外面的米肠则内软外脆。”大肠包小肠有香辣、黑胡椒、芥末等各种口味,而赵艳君则特别推荐芥末味,她说“虽然入口有点怪异,但是十分爽口。”
学习啦在线学习网 Coffin burger
Average price: 13 yuan
学习啦在线学习网 Places: Tainan city
学习啦在线学习网 The coffin burger is Chang Tien-chien’s (张天见) favorite snack. The 19-year-old boy grew up in Kaohsiung and is a chemical engineering major at Tsinghua University now. Just like its unusual name, it is an innovative and unique dish. A loaf of thick, deep-fried bread is cut open at the top like a box. Then it is filled with a stew of pork, shrimp and intestines. The toppings include chopped potatoes, carrots and corn. “The meat is quite greasy, but in combination with the fried, dry bread it makes for a refreshing meal,” Chang says.
