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学习啦在线学习网 Nick从中西部来到纽约,拜访居住于此的表妹Daisy,并结识了女高尔夫球运动员Jordan。他们得知Nick租住在海岸对面,Jordan提到一个神秘的名字——Gatsby,引起了Daisy的好奇心。晚餐过程中,Tom的情妇不断致电,打扰了大家的兴致。过着纸醉金迷生活、外表风光的Daisy首次向Nick透露自己不为人知的生活。

  Daisy: Oh, Nicky.

  Nick: What?

  Daisy: It’s just…well you see, I think everything’t terrible anyhow.

学习啦在线学习网   Nick: Really?

  Daisy: Yes. I’ve been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. I had a very bad time, Nicky. I’m pretty 1)cynical about everything.

学习啦在线学习网   Nick: Your daughter, I suppose she

  talks and eats and everything?

  Daisy: Pammy? Oh yes. Listen,

学习啦在线学习网   Nick. When she was born, Tom was…God knows where…with God knows who. And I asked the nurse if it was a boy or a girl. And she said it was a girl. And I wept. I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool. That’s the best thing a girl in this world can be. A beautiful little fool. All the bright precious thing fade so fast. And they don’t come back.

学习啦在线学习网   黛西:噢,尼克。




学习啦在线学习网   黛西:是啊。我什么地方都去过了,什么都见过了,什么都干过了。但是有段时间我过得糟透了。尼克,我已经饱经世故了。




  Nick: What is this enormous request?

  Jordan: He wants you invite Daisy to tea!

  Nick: Daisy? And Gatsby? Why?

学习啦在线学习网   Jordan: I don’t quite know where to start. You see, I didn’t realize until the other night that I’ve met Gatsby. 5 years ago, in Louisville. That was the day I got my new English golf shoes. Daisy was by far the most popular girl with the officers from Camp Taylor.

  Daisy: Hello, Jordan.

  Jordan: One of them was in the car with her. It was Gatsby. And the way he looked at her was the way all girls wanted to be looked at.

学习啦在线学习网   Nick: So, tell me what happened.

学习啦在线学习网   Jodan: Well I don’t know.

  Gatsby: 2)Charge!

  Jordan: Gatsby was sent off to war, when the war ended, Daisy waited, but for some unknown reason, Gatsby couldn’t return. A year later, Tom Buchanan of Chicago swept in and stole her away. He gave her a string of pearls worth0,000. On the morning of the wedding, Daisy received a letter.

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: Tell them Daisy changed her mind!

  Daisy’s mom: What is this?

  Daisy: Mummy, please!

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy’s mom: Give it to me!

  Daisy: No! Leave me alone!

  Daisy’s mom: No one must

学习啦在线学习网   know about this.

学习啦在线学习网   Nick: But what was in the


  Jordan: I don’t know, she wouldn’t tell me. But that

  was too late. That day at 5

  o’clock, Daisy Fey married

学习啦在线学习网   Tom Buchanan in a more pop and circumstance Louisville had ever seen. After the honeymoon, I saw them in Santa Barbara. Well it was touching, really, I’d never seen a girl so in love with her husband. A week later, Tom crashed his car. The girl with him was a 3)chambermaid at the Santa Barbara hotel. It got in all the papers.

  Nick: It’s a strange 4)coincidence.

学习啦在线学习网   Jordan: What is?

  Nick: The fact that Gatsby’s house is just across the bay.

  Jordan: It’s not coincidence. He bought that house to be near her. He threw all those parties, hoping she would wander in one night. He constantly asked about Daisy. I was just the first person that knew her.

学习啦在线学习网   Nick: All that for a girl he hasn’t seen in 5 years. And now he just wants me to invite her over to tea. The 5)modesty of it…

学习啦在线学习网   Jordan: …kind of take the breath away, doesn’t it?

学习啦在线学习网   尼克:这么做到底是为了什么?













学习啦在线学习网   黛西的妈妈:不能让人知道这件事。


学习啦在线学习网   了汤姆·布坎农,这是路易斯维尔人见过的最盛大的婚礼。蜜月之后,我在圣巴巴拉见过他们,那真是令人感动,我从未见过一个女孩那么迷恋丈夫的。一周后,汤姆出了车祸,和他一起的那个女孩是圣巴巴拉酒店的女服务员,也上了报。

学习啦在线学习网   尼克:真是奇怪的巧合。



学习啦在线学习网   尼克:所有那些都是为了一个5年没见面的女孩。现在他只想托我邀请她过来喝茶。这份心意……

学习啦在线学习网   乔丹:……都快令人窒息了,不是吗?


学习啦在线学习网   Nick’s narration: If only it had been enough for Gatsby just to hold Daisy. But he had a grand vision for his life and Daisy’s part in it. It wasn’t until the end of that summer, on the last night I saw Gatsby, that he told me of the life he had dreamed for himself since he was a boy. Gatsby’s real name was…James Gatz. His parents were dirt poor farmers from North Dakota. He never accepted them as his parents at all. In his own imagination, he was the son of God destined for future glory. Chasing this destiny, a 16-year-old Gatz ran far, far away. One afternoon, off the coast of Lake Superior, he spotted a 6)yacht in 7)peril. He 8)rowed out and rescued the 9)vessel and its captain, alcoholic millionaire Dan Cody.

  Dan Cody: Where’s the boat?

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: You’re gonna hit the shore! Come on, sir, we’re gonna hit the shore!

学习啦在线学习网   Dan Cody: What the hell are you doing, old sport?

  Nick’s narration: T h i s w a s h i s opportunity, and he seized it.

  Gatsby: Then I decided right then and there, to call myself Jay Gatsby.

  Nick’s narration: He sailed the yacht out of danger and into his future. Gatsby showed skill and ambition, and for 5 years, they sailed the world.

  Gatsby: He was alright, old Dan. He taught me everything. Nick’s narration: How to dress, act and speak like a gentleman.

学习啦在线学习网   尼克叙述:如果盖茨比只想拥抱黛西就心满意足就好了,但是他有更宏大的人生规划,黛西只是其中的一部分。直到夏天快结束,我最后一次见到盖茨比的时候,他才告诉我自男孩起就梦想的生活。盖茨比的真名叫……杰姆斯·盖茨。他的父母是北达科他州贫困潦倒的农民,他从未承认他们是自己的父母。在他自己的想象中,他是上帝的儿子,命中注定将会飞黄腾达。为了追逐这个命运,16岁的盖茨出走了,很远很远。一天下午,在苏必利尔湖畔,他发现一艘处境险恶的游艇,他划船出航,救了那艘船和它的船长,醉醺醺的百万富翁丹·科迪。



学习啦在线学习网   丹·科迪:你究竟在干什么,老兄?



学习啦在线学习网   为杰伊·盖茨比。



学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: Jay Gatsby. She looks well, doesn’t she…

学习啦在线学习网   Nick’s narration: Gatsby hoped to 10)inherit Cody’s fortune. Gatsby: …old sport?

  Nick’s narration: But when Cody died, Gatsby was cheated off his 11)inheritance by Cody’s family. He’s been left with the ability to play the gentleman, but he was once again dirt-poor.





  Daisy想要和Gatsby私奔,但Gatsby一心想着让她光明正大地离开丈夫Tom。Gatsby约上Nick和Jordan一起到Daisy家里准备和Tom摊牌,T om有所察觉,Daisy打了退堂鼓。五人临时决定到纽约的旅馆去,冲突一触即发。

  Daisy: Open another window.

学习啦在线学习网   Nick: There aren’t any more.

  Daisy: Then telephone for an 12)axe.

  Tom: Why don’t you forget about the heat? You make it worse by 13)crabbing about it.

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: Why not let her alone, old sport?

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: That’s a great expression of yours, isn’t it?

  Gatsby: What is?

  Tom: “Old sport”. Where did you pick up?

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: Now see here, Tom, if you’re gonna make personal remarks, I won’t stay here a minute.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Mr. Gatsby, I understand you’re an Oxford man.

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: No. Not exactly, no.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Oh yes, I understand that you went to Oxford.

  Gatsby: Uh yes, I went there.

  Tom: Sure. The man in the pink suit went to Oxford.

  Daisy: Tom!

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: I said I went there, didn’t I?

  Tom: Oh, I heard you. I’d like to know when.

  Gatsby: You’d like to know when?

  Tom: Well, Mr. Gatsby?

  Gatsby: It was in 1919. I only stayed there 5 months, that’s why I can’t exactly call myself an Oxford man. You see, it was an opportunity they gave to some of us officers who…who fought in war.

  Nick’s narration: I wanted to get up and slap Gatsby on the back.

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: I’ll make you a drink, Tom. Then you won’t seem so stupid to yourself.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Wait a minute. I will ask Mr. Gatsby one more question.

  Gatsby: Oh, please! Please go on, Mr. Buchanan, go on.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: What kind of a row are you trying to cause in my house anyhow?

  Daisy: He isn’t causing a row. You’re causing a row. Please have a little self-control.

  Tom: Self-control?! Oh I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from nowhere make love to your wife. Well if that’s the idea, you can 14)count me out. See, nowadays, people begin by sneering at family life and family institutions and the next you’ll know, we’ll throw everything overboard, and we’ll have intermarriage between black and white!

  Gatsby: Your wife doesn’t love you. She never loved you. You see, she loves me.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: You must be crazy.

  Gatsby: No, old sport. No, you see, she never loved you. She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting. It was a terrible, terrible mistake, but in her heart, in her heart she never loved any one but me.

  Jordan: We should go.

  Tom: Stay.

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: Let’s all go home.

  Tom: Sit down, Daisy!

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: Please, please take a seat. Come on, Daisy.

  Tom: Daisy, what’s been going on? I wanna hear all about it. Gatsby: I’ve just told you what’s going on. It’s been going on for 5 years.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: You’ve been seeing him for 5 years?

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: No, no, no, not seen. Not seen, we couldn’t but both of us loved each other all the time, didn’t we?

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Oh that’s all. Hahaha, you’re crazy! I can’t speak about what happened 5 years ago, because I didn’t know Daisy then. And I’ll be damned if I know how you got within a mile of her, unless you brought the groceries to the back door, but all the rest of that is a goddamn lie! Daisy loved me when she married me, as she loves me now.

  Gatsby: No, no.

  Tom: She does!

  Gatsby: I’m sorry, Mr. Buchanan.

  Tom: She does though.

  Gatsby: No.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Oh no no, she does though. She does, and what’s more, I love Daisy too.

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: No.

  Tom: I love you, Daisy. Though once in a while, I…I go off on a 15)spree, I always come back.

  Gatsby: A spree.

  Tom: And in my heart I love…I love her all the time.

  Daisy: You’re revolting. Do you know why we left Chicago? I’m surprised that they didn’t treat you to the story of that little spree.

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: Alright, that’s all over now. Daisy, darling, that’s all over. Just tell him the truth, go on, that you never loved him…and this…this will all be wiped out forever.

  Daisy: Why, how could I love him possibly!

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: Remember our planning, tell him that you never loved him. And all this being will be wiped out forever. Daisy. Daisy, tell him.

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: I’ve never loved him.

  Tom: Never?

  Gatsby: No.

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: No.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Not at Kapiolani? Not that day I carried you down the Punch Bowl to keep your shoes dry? Never?

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: Please don’t.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Daisy?

  Daisy: There, Jay! You want too much. I love you now, isn’t that enough? I can’t help what’s past. I did love him once, but I loved you too.

学习啦在线学习网   黛西:再开一扇窗。


学习啦在线学习网   黛西:那就打电话要一把斧子(开扇窗)。



学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:那是你得意的口头禅,是不是?盖茨比:什么?


学习啦在线学习网   黛西:听着,汤姆,如果你打算进行人身攻击的话,我就一分钟也不待在这儿。






学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:我说过,我上过那儿,不是吗?

学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:哦,我听到了,我想知道是什么时候。

学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:你想知道是什么时候?





学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:哦,请问吧,请问,布坎农先生,请。

学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:你到底想在我家里制造什么样的纠纷?

学习啦在线学习网   黛西:他没在制造纠纷,是你在制造纠纷,请你自制一点儿。





学习啦在线学习网   乔丹:我们该走了。


学习啦在线学习网   黛西:我们都回家吧。



学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:黛西,这是怎么一回事?我要听听整个经过。


学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:你们5年来一直见面?

学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:不,不,不,没有见面。我们见不了面,但是我们一直都相爱,不是吗?




学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:她还爱我。







学习啦在线学习网   黛西:你真叫人恶心。你知道我们为什么离开芝加哥吗?我真奇怪人家没给你讲过那次小小放纵的事。

学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:好了,一切都过去了。黛西,宝贝,都过去了。就跟他说实话,你从没爱过他,一切就一笔勾销了。

学习啦在线学习网   黛西:我怎么会爱他,怎么可能!



学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:从来没有?



学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:在凯皮奥兰尼时也没爱过吗?那天我把你从“甜酒钵”(译者注:一艘游艇的名字)上抱下来,不让你鞋子沾湿,你也不爱我吗?从没爱过吗?

学习啦在线学习网   黛西:请别说了。


学习啦在线学习网   黛西:你看,乔伊!你的要求太过分了。我现在爱你,那还不够吗?过去的事我没法挽回。我曾经爱过他,但是我也爱你。

  Gatsby: You…you love…you loved me “too”? You love me…

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Even that is a lie! She did not know that you’re alive! There are things between Daisy and me, Gatsby, that you’ll never know! Things that neither of us can never forget!

  Gatsby: I just need to speak to Daisy alone. You see, you…you’ve got her all excited now, don’t you, old sport? Daisy, hey…

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: Even alone I can’t say I never loved Tom, it wouldn’t be true.

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: What?

  Tom: Of course it wouldn’t.

  Daisy: As if it mattered to you?

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: Of course it matters. Daisy, I’m going to take better care of you from now on.

  Gatsby: You’re not going to take care of her any more. She’s leaving you.

  Tom: Nonsense!

  Daisy: I am though.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: No no no. She is not leaving me. And certainly not for a common swindler like you. Mr. Gatsby, exactly who are you, anyhow? You see, I have made a small investigation into your affairs. You’re one of Meyer Wolfsheim’s bunch.

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy: Please, let’s go home.

  Tom: See, he and this Wolfsheim, they bought a lot of drugstores, and sold 16)bootleg alcohol over the counter.

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: What about it, old sport?

  Tom: Don’t you call me “old sport”! And this drugstore business is just small change compared to this bunch 17)stunt that you and Wolfsheim have got going on.

  Gatsby: Your friend Walter Chase isn’t too proud to come in on it.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: I was giving it lots of thoughts. How does a reputable banker like Walter Chase, find himself up to his eyeballs in debt…

  Gatsby: I’ll tell you how.

  Tom: …to a little 18)cunt like Wolfsheim?

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: It’s called greed, old sport.

学习啦在线学习网   Tom: That’s right. And you have half of Wall Street out there swelling your free 19)booze, at that fun park every weekend. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to drag you in. My God, he has. Gatsby: He’s got nothing to do with…

  Tom: …with your odd little 20)racket. Daisy, Daisy, can’t you see who this guy is? With his house, and his parties, and his fancy clothes. He’s just a front for Wolfsheim, a 21)gangster, to get his claws in a respectable folk like Walter Chase.

学习啦在线学习网   G a t s b y : T h e only respectable thing about you, old sport, is your m o n e y. Yo u r money, that’s it. I have just as much as you, that means we’re equal.

  Tom: Oh, no, no! We’re different. I am, they are, she is. We’re all different from you. You see, we were born different. It’s in our blood and ain’t nothing that you could do, say, or steal, or dream up, will change that. A girl like Daisy…

学习啦在线学习网   Gatsby: You shut up! Shut up! You shut up! Shut up! Shut up!


学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:连那个也是谎话!她根本不知道你还活着!黛西和我之间有许多事你永远不会知道,盖茨比!我们俩也永远不会忘记!

学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:我要跟黛西单独谈谈。你看,你……你让她现在太激动了,不是吗,老兄?黛西,嘿……






学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:你没有机会再照顾她了,她要离开你了。

学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:胡说八道!



学习啦在线学习网   黛西:别说了,我们回家吧。



学习啦在线学习网   汤姆:别叫我“老兄”!这些私酒买卖跟你和沃尔夫山姆现在在干的勾当比起来是小把戏了。



学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:我告诉你为什么。









学习啦在线学习网   盖茨比:你闭嘴!闭嘴!你闭嘴!闭嘴!闭嘴!

学习啦在线学习网   Daisy情绪激动,冲出房门,Gatsby跟着出去。Daisy开着Gatsby的车,撞死了Tom的情妇。Gatsby计划带着Daisy逃走,但此时的她已经无情无义。Tom告诉死者的丈夫凶手是Gatsby,在他的挑唆之下,Gatsby在等待Daisy电话的时候被无情地枪杀。随之而去的,还有他一直不变的对未来的希望和对Daisy的爱。