学习啦在线学习网 导语:《传奇》杂志的艾玛索姆斯称:“如今,年长的女性心态比前辈们更年轻,代沟逐渐填平,之前只看表象不倾听孩子声音的教育方式也消弭殆尽。”
Up to 39 percent of women under 50 talk to their mothers every day, according to a study. And one in three talks to them once or twice a week, with many dialing their mum's number whenever they are in need of advice or support.
学习啦在线学习网 研究表明,有39%的50岁以下女性每日都会和母亲联系。而一周同母亲联系1次到两次者占了1/3,许多人都是一需要建议或帮助就拨通了妈妈的电话。
学习啦在线学习网 The close communication owes much to technology, which has made "chatting" by phone, text or email much easier.
Only 14 percent of daughters see their mothers on a daily basis and one in three sees them once or twice a week, with 33 percent saying geography stopped them making more frequent visits.
The survey also found that 43 percent of the 2,000 women questioned relied on their mothers for general advice the most.
学习啦在线学习网 调查还发现,受调查的2000名女性中,43%的人对母亲的建议最为依赖。
学习啦在线学习网 Emma Soames, from Saga Magazine, said: "Older women are now so much younger in their attitudes than previous generations so the generation gap has diminished and formal rules of upbringing which saw children seen but not heard have completely disappeared."
学习啦在线学习网 《传奇》杂志的艾玛索姆斯称:“如今,年长的女性心态比前辈们更年轻,代沟逐渐填平,之前只看表象不倾听孩子声音的教育方式也消弭殆尽。”
