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Nicknamed "Carrier Style," it was deemed "cool, powerful and confident as well as amusing and comical" by netizens who uploaded pictures showing various takes on the gesture. "Carrier Style" rapidly eclipsed the online craze for the "Gangnam Style" music video after which it was named.
学习啦在线学习网 很多网友上传了各种模仿“航母Style”的手势照片,将其描述为“酷,强势,自信又带有娱乐精神和喜剧效果”。“航母Style”秒杀之前在网上疯热的“江南Style”。
学习啦在线学习网 文中的Carrier Style即“航母Style”,也可译为“航母式”或“航母风格”,carrier是“航空母舰”,style意为“风格,式样”。又如文中出现的“Gangnam Style”,直译为“江南Style”,Gangnam是首尔的一个富人区。online craze指“网上热潮”,eclipse在文中作动词,意为“使…黯然失色”。