"Some of my mates thought I had been a bit too active on the ladies recently and wanted to punish me," Stian Ytterdahl said. "When we were in the restaurant on Monday, they said I had to get a tattoo."
学习啦在线学习网 Incidentally, this is the teenager's first tattoo ever, covering most of his lower right arm. There's a large McDonalds logo at the top, followed by a list of items he ordered off the menu —a cheeseburger and four added toppings.
学习啦在线学习网 斯蒂安·伊特多说:“朋友们认为我最近对女生表现得太过活跃,所以想要惩罚我。周一我们在餐厅的时候,他们说我必须弄个文身。”
学习啦在线学习网 巧的是,这是伊特多的第一个文身,几乎覆盖了他整个右下臂。最上面是一个大大的麦当劳标志,接下来是他点的食物——一个起司汉堡和四个配料。
文中的tattoo就是“文身”的意思,作为人类历史文化的一部分,文身延续至今已有二千多年,俗称刺青,文言文中叫涅。tattoo不仅可作名词,也可以作动词,如:He has a heart tattooed on his left hand.(他在左手上文了一颗心。)
学习啦在线学习网 文中第二段的topping作名词,意为“糕点上的装饰配料”,指的是frosting(糖霜)或icing(糕饼表层的糖衣)等配料。