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  Jumpsuits are twentieth-century garments designed to accommodate the modern machine age. A jumpsuit is a one-piece garment that generally features long sleeves and full leg covering. From the first trans-Atlantic flight to man’s first steps on the moon, the one-piece garment provided the protection to make bold moves. Early on, the one-piece design was adopted as the ideal garment by futuristic-thinking early modernist artists and designers. It is often seen as the universal uniform of the future and is an iconic costume for science-fiction movie characters. By late 1960s, jumpsuits climbed up through society into high fashion.

学习啦在线学习网   连体裤是适应20世纪现代化机器时代应运而生的服饰。连体裤是一体式设计的服装,一般以长袖子和长裤腿为特色。从首次跨越大西洋的飞行到人类踏上月球的第一步,连体式服装都为人类的诸多大胆尝试提供以保护。很早以前,连体式的设计理念便被思想新潮的早期现代主义艺术家和设计师们视为理想的服装款式。它常常被视为未来的统一制服,也是科幻电影角色的标志性装束。直至20世纪60年代后期,连体裤才逐渐步入高级时装之列。

学习啦在线学习网   The history of the jumpsuit is quite interesting and the broad range of uses and interpretations make it a one-for-all design. Contemporary styled jumpsuits are uniform of the era of mechanization. Many of these uniform types were first designed and manufactured in America. Coveralls helped elevate self-respect because they protected regular clothing so that workers did not have to travel home in dirty, greasy clothing.


  The word “jumpsuit” came to describe the one-piece flight suit used by pilots and parachutists during WWII. Characterized by its practical zippers and pockets, the design became associated with the heroic achievements of WWII aviators and the military’s new and powerful fighter planes.

学习啦在线学习网   “连体裤”一词最初用来形容二战期间飞行员和伞兵穿的一体式飞行服。这种设计最大的特点是实用的拉链和口袋,该设计还逐渐与二战飞行员的英勇事迹和军队新式强大的战斗机联系在一起。

  Skydivers’ jumpsuits were manufactured to be utilitarian. The fabric protected parachuters from the extreme cold of the air, while inserts and pockets in the jumpsuit provided covering for parachute handles. Modern jumpsuits are used by aviators and astronauts. In addition to being flame-retardant and insulated, one piece-suits have an advantage over multi-piece clothing in that they will not float or become entangled during zero gravity or high-speed, aerial maneuvers. Race car drivers also frequently employ similar jumpsuits.


  The jumpsuit is often used in factories or industrial plants. Used as an outer garment, a suit provides full-body protection, something an apron cannot do. As most jumpsuits involve a variety of pockets and hooks, it can also be helpful for those using tools. As the design is unisex and can accommodate to most body shapes, the jumpsuit is a simple means to create uniformity among employees.

学习啦在线学习网   连体裤常用于工厂和生产车间。作为外衣,它提供了全身保护,这是围裙无法做到的。大部分的连体裤都有各种口袋和钩子,所以它也有助于使用工具。这种设计不分性别,且能适合各种身材体型,因此它也是统一员工着装的简便途径。

学习啦在线学习网   By the mid-to-late 1960s, pants and jumpsuits generally became accepted as fashionable dress for women. This freedom offered a vast number of new choices in dressing. A variety of different fits and styles were introduced to flatter different figure types. Compared to others, jumpsuits are less limited by practicality; styles with greater variances in the proportions could be created. From festive and dramatic to soft and sensuous, the jumpsuit could express many moods depending on the fabric and cut. While it has never been widely adopted by mainstream society as daily dress, the jumpsuit emerges to the forefront when it fits the spirit of the time.


学习啦在线学习网   In 1968, the first images of astronauts walking on the moon in one-piece space suits created a fashion for the style in shiny, space-age fabrics. The adoption of the jumpsuit by performers such as Elvis and David Bowie made the style very popular in the 1970s. You could even see the characters in the famous movie series “Star Wars” wearing jumpsuits. Since then, it gained more and more acceptance in fashion world. In 2002, avant-garde designers such as Raf Simmons and Costume National began to show the style with inspirations based on military uniforms. Then it became a forerunner of spring 2008 fashion trends.

学习啦在线学习网   1968年,首批宇航员身穿一体式太空衣在月球上行走的形象让鋥亮的太空时代布料成为时尚风格。到了20世纪70年代,连体裤被猫王和大卫·鲍伊这样的知名艺人所采用,令这种风格变得十分流行。你甚至可以在著名的“星球大战”系列电影中看到剧中人物也身穿连体裤。自此,连体裤日益被时装界所接纳。2002 年,前卫设计师如拉夫·西蒙斯和意大利著名时装品牌Costume National开始推出这种灵感来自于军装的流行款式,之后,连体裤便成为2008年春季时装的潮流先锋。

  Its all-encompassing design is particularly effective when partnered with technology as in Speedo’s LZR Racer swimsuit which aided athletes in breaking numerous world records. From flight suits to movie costumes, the utilitarian, sport and performance uniforms here all utilize the distinctive qualities of the one-piece design to enhance that activity or create a powerful visual effect.

  这种全身包裹式的设计与高科技结合会产生意想不到的效果,英国速比涛公司生产的鲨鱼皮LZR Racer系列泳衣帮助运动员们打破了多项世界纪录。从飞行服到电影戏服,无论是作为实用性服装、运动服还是演出服,它们都利用了连体裤一体式设计的特质来促进其活动或是创造出了强大的视觉效果。