学习啦在线学习网 名词解释: 所谓口水歌,就是在一段时间里,大街小巷里,不停地播放,男女老少都会哼的那种流行歌曲,它不一定写得很好,但却很上口,容易被传唱。旋律似曾相识,跟着哼哼就会唱,口水歌,还有另一种意思,就是发烧CD里,能听到歌手唱歌时的口水声。 另一种说法是唱片里歌手翻唱的歌曲统称口水歌。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
We've all been there: you hear a catchy song and for days or even weeks on end, you just can't get it out of your head.
Known as an earworm or brainworm, the effect has been studied before —— but its cause, and how to get rid of it, is poorly understood.
Now researchers say they have an answer —— chewing gum after hearing a catchy song will help you think about it less often.
The study suggests chewing gum could also be used to stop other unwanted or intrusive thoughts.
学习啦在线学习网 我们都遇到过这种状况:你听完一首口水歌后,连续数日甚至数周你都没办法将其在脑海中摆脱掉。
学习啦在线学习网 这就是俗称的“耳朵虫”,曾经对“耳朵虫效应”进行过研究,但是“耳朵虫”的起源、如何摆脱“耳朵虫”,却一直令人费解。
学习啦在线学习网 如今研究人员宣称他们找到了答案——听完口水歌后嚼一嚼口香糖,你就不会那么频繁地想起这首歌。
文中的catchy song就是“口水歌”的意思,其中catchy是形容词,指(曲调、名字或广告)悦耳的,有吸引力的,琅琅上口的,如:The songs were both catchy and original. (那些歌曲既琅琅上口,又富有原创性。)
最后一句中的intrusive是形容词,意为“打搅的;侵入的 ”,如:The villagers are warm and courteous but not intrusive.(村民热情有礼、绝不扰人。)