名词解释:温泉(hot spring)是泉水的一种,严格意义说,是从地下自然涌出的自然水,泉口温度显著地高于当地年平均气温而又低于(等于)45度的地下水天然露头叫温泉,并含有对人体健康有益的微量元素的矿水。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
The picture was taken by wildlife photographer Marsel Van Oouten, showing a monkey playing with a phone at the hot springs in Jigokudani in Japan.
"We were standing close to the edge of the hot spring when one of the tourists started taking shots with her iPhone. Suddenly, the macaque grabbed the iPhone from her hands — and quickly moved away towards the middle of the hot spring," Marsel said.
学习啦在线学习网 "Meanwhile, I was fully aware that this would result in some of the most original snow monkey shots ever."
学习啦在线学习网 马赛尔说道,“我们都站在温泉的岸边,这时有一位游客在用她的iPhone拍照。突然,那只猴子从她手里拿走了iPhone,然后快速移动到了温泉的中央。”
学习啦在线学习网 “与此同时,我意识到,这是拍摄雪猴原始照片的最佳时机了。”
学习啦在线学习网 文中的hot spring就是“温泉”的意思,其中spring作名词,意为“泉水;春天;弹力”,如:mineral spring(矿泉);人们普遍认为,温泉有治疗某些慢性病(chronic illness )和养生保健(healthcare)的作用,如:On a cold winter day, a hot spring can be very inviting.(在寒冷的冬日,温泉实在非常诱人。)
本文中提到的snow monkey(雪猴)属于灵长类动物(primate),相关的动物还有:大猩猩(gorilla),长臂猿(hylobates),狒狒(babnoon)等。