

时间: 楚欣650 分享


  Under the draft, four categories of inmates who were sentenced before Jan 1 and who do not pose a threat to society will be granted the special amnesty.

  Amnesties are often announced before major national ceremonies and have been granted seven times since 1949.

  The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will make a final decision on whether to pass the draft on Aug 30.


学习啦在线学习网   特赦通常在大型国家庆典前宣布,我国1949年以来共有7次特赦。

学习啦在线学习网   人大会将在8月30日决定是否通过该草案。


学习啦在线学习网   文中的special amnesty就是“特赦”的意思,其中amnesty是名词,尤指对政治犯的“大赦,赦免”,如:A general amnesty for political prisoners may be in the offing.(可能即将对政治犯实行大赦。);在不同的国家里,不同的人或组织有下达特赦令的权利,比如国家元首(head of state)或者议会(parliament),在我国是由国家主席(president)发布。

  第一段中的draft作名词,指精确的“草图,草案”,如:original draft (原稿),design draft(设计草图)。