

时间: 楚欣650 分享


  Dolly Singh, a former executive with a US space transport company, claims she has finally found the formula for high heels that are as comfortable as trainers.

  Unlike traditional stilettoes, the Thesis Couture shoes are made of high-tech plastics and polymers.

  Designed to distribute the wearer's body weight from heel to toe, aerospace-grade foams in the sole reduce the impact of each step on the foot by up to 50 per cent.

  But such functional fashion does come at a price —— up to £600 a pair, to be precise.


  与传统高跟鞋不同,这款Thesis Couture高跟鞋是由高科技塑料和高分子聚合物制成的。

学习啦在线学习网   该设计将身体的重量从脚跟分散到脚趾,鞋底运用航天级别的泡沫减少走路给脚带来的一半压力。

学习啦在线学习网   但是这种功能性的时尚女鞋售价,准确地说来,每双至少600英镑。


  文中的high heels就是“高跟鞋”的意思,其中heel意为“脚后跟”,是可数名词,还可指鞋、袜的后跟,如:There is a hole in the heel to my sock. (我的短袜后跟上有个洞。);与鞋子相关的词汇还有:帆布鞋(canvas shoes),拖鞋(slippers),凉鞋(sandals),平底鞋(ballet flats)等。

  第三段中的distribute是动词,意为“分散;分发”,如:distribute bonuses (分发红利),distribute leaflets (散发传单)