People in Japan take blood types very seriously. They have big implications for life, work and love. "What's your blood type?" is often a key question in everything from matchmaking to job applications.
About 40 percent of the Japanese population are type A and 30 percent are type O, while only 20 percent are type B, with AB accounting for the remaining 10 percent, according to the BBC.
Popular comics and video games often mention a character's blood type. You can even buy soft drinks, chewing gum, and bath salts catering to different blood groups.
学习啦在线学习网 在日本,人们很注重血型。从生活、工作到恋爱,人们都会参考血型。“你是什么血型?”已经成为一个关键性问题,从相亲到求职在内的方方面面都会被问及这个问题。
学习啦在线学习网 热门连环画和电子游戏常常会提到某个人物的血型。你甚至可以买到根据不同血型的人群所定制的软饮、口香糖以及浴盐。
文中的blood type就是“血型”的意思,人类有四种基本的血型:A型、B型、O型和AB型。这里的type解释为“类型,种类”,常跟of连用,如:Which type of tea do you prefer?(你喜欢哪种茶?)在美式英语中,type常常用来直接修饰名词,表示某物的类型和种类,如:the vertebrate type(脊椎动物种类)。
学习啦在线学习网 此外,文中的cater解释为“迎合;满足”,如:They only publish novels which cater to the mass market.(他们只出版迎合大众市场的小说。)