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  A senior student in Chongqing surnamed Wang said she was reprimanded by an elderly woman on a bus after the grandma gave up her own seat to her 16-year-old grandson and demanded that Wang give up a seat to her. The story has stirred up some real heated discussion over the ethics of seat-giving.

  "This is actually the first case of its kind that I've seen in my 20 years of driving. It's difficult to evaluate who is right and who is wrong, but no matter whose fault it is, we should practice traditional courtesy and give up seats to the elderly, the sick, the weak and the pregnant," Luo, the bus driver, commented.

学习啦在线学习网   重庆的一位大四学生称她在公交车上受到了一位老太的责备。这位老太在把自己的座位让给16岁的孙子后,又要这位学生给她让座。这件事引发了人们对让座礼仪的热议。



  文中的seat-giving就是“让座”的意思,对应的动词词组可以是give up one's seat to somebody或offer one's seat to somebody。在大多数的公交、地铁上,都专门会为有需要的乘客设置“爱心座”,英语为courtesy seats。

  另外,the与某些形容词连用,可表示一类具有某种特征或特性的人,通常表示复数意义,如文末的the elderly(老年人)、the sick(病人)、the weak(体弱者)等。