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  At 7 a.m. yesterday, when most people were still asleep, some 35,000 were very wide-awake and braving the chilling breezes and morning haze to take part in the 18th Shanghai International Marathon.

学习啦在线学习网   The theme of this year's Shanghai Marathon was "A city of running, a festival of people," and the route took the contestants past many of the city's most historic buildings. The race began at Chenyi Square on the Bund. The finish line for the full and half marathons was the Shanghai Sports Stadium. The 10-kilometer run ended at Fuxing Park and the mini marathon ended at the Shanghai Exhibition Center.


学习啦在线学习网   今年上海马拉松赛的主题是“奔跑的城市,全民的节日”,比赛路线途径沪上多处历史建筑。本次马拉松赛的起点位于外滩的陈毅广场,全程和半程马拉松的终点设在上海体育馆,十公里跑终点设在复兴公园,而迷你马拉松的终点位于上海展览中心。


  文中的Shanghai International Marathon就是“上海国际马拉松赛”的意思,其中marathon就是“马拉松赛跑”的意思,该词源于马拉松战役(Battle of Marathon)中一希腊士兵从马拉松跑到雅典(Athens)报捷后身亡的英雄事迹。文中提到的“全程马拉松”,英语就是full marathon;而“半程马拉松”,即是half marathon。参加马拉松,英语是to run a marathon;跑完马拉松,即是to complete a marathon。

  Marathon也可以用作形容词,意思是“漫长而累人的”,如a marathon debate 无休止的辩论。


名词解释 :上海国际马拉松赛是由中国田径协会、上海市体育总会主办,起始于1996年,已连续举行了十八届。比赛规模逐年扩大,2006年参与人数已达17000余人。2012年上海国际马拉松赛于12月2日举行。2013年比赛时间为12月1日。2014年比赛时