Luxury mooncakes that used to raise eyebrows because of their cost have rarely been seen ahead of this year's Mid-Autumn Festival due to China's anti-extravagance campaign.
The unpopularity of the luxury mooncakes followed a meeting of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Commission for Discipline Inspection last week. The CPC's top disciplinary arm called for efforts to fight the "four forms of decadence": formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance.
学习啦在线学习网 虽然已临近中秋,但过去因为价格之高而夺人眼球的奢侈月饼今年却鲜有问津。造成这种情况,主要还是因为国内开展的反浪费活动。
学习啦在线学习网 上周召开的中纪委会议是造成奢侈月饼鲜有问津的原因。作为中国共产党最高级的纪律部门,中纪委号召坚决抵制“四种不良风气”,即形式主义、官僚主义、享乐主义和奢靡之风。
“luxury mooncake”在文中解释为“奢侈月饼”。“luxury”是名词,也可以作形容词使用,又如: luxury liner 豪华的邮轮、luxury apartment 豪华的公寓等。
学习啦在线学习网 另外,文中第一段的“anti-extravagance”解释为反对铺张浪费。“anti-”是前缀,解释为“反对的”,例如:anti-dumping 反倾销、anti-fascist 反法西斯主义者等。最后一句中的“four forms of decadence”即“四种不良风气”,是指形式主义(formalism)、官僚主义(bureaucratism)、享乐主义(hedonism)和奢靡之风(extravagance)。