学习啦在线学习网 名词解释:中俄联合军演,中俄元首在上海军港联袂出席两国海上军演开幕式,这被认为世界军演史上前所未有。中国国家主席与访华的俄罗斯总统普京举行会谈,双方签署联合声明,提出“建立全面的中俄能源合作伙伴关系”,“中俄蜜月”世界舆论场中迅速升温。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
A Chinese fleet consisting of seven naval vessels departed from East China's harbor city of Qingdao on Monday to participate in Sino-Russian joint naval drills scheduled for July 5 to 12.
学习啦在线学习网 The eight-day exercise is expected to be conducted at the sea area and airspace of the Peter the Great Gulf in the Sea of Japan, and the Chinese fleet will be anchored in Vladivostok during the drill.
The eight-day maneuvers will focus on joint maritime air defense, joint escorts and marine search and rescue operations.
文中的Sino-Russian joint naval drills学习啦在线学习网就是“中俄联合军演”的意思。drills就是”演练“、”演习“的意思,文中第二段的exercises和第三段的maneuvers(或拼为manoeuvres)也是”演习“、”演练“的意思。
前缀Sino-和中国有关,又如Sinologist 汉学家;Sinopec Group 中国石化集团公司等。