学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语其它 > “擦鞋”英语怎么说


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学习啦在线学习网   摘要:深圳市25家市直机关的公务员走上街头开展便民利民志愿服务,内容有擦鞋、理发、红酒鉴别、珠宝鉴定、食品安全鉴定、修理家电手机数码产品、免费照相及打印等。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Wearing a blue waistcoat, Ning Hu, a civil servant in Shenzhen, was polishing shoes for passersby on Huaqiang North Street, a business street in the city in Guangdong province, on May 15.

  He was one of 8,000 volunteers from local government departments who polished shoes, gave haircuts, repaired digital products, took photos and made copies.


学习啦在线学习网   深圳市8000名公务员走上街头开展服务,宁虎是其中的一位。他们服务的内容包括擦鞋、理发、修理数码产品、免费照像及打印等服务。


  文中的“polish shoes”就是“擦鞋”的意思,“polish”作动词可以指“擦亮、磨光”,如:polish furniture 擦家具,“polish”作动词还可以指“修饰,润色”,如:polish a speech 润饰发言稿。文中的“civil servant”就是指“公务员”,“public servant”也可以指“公务员”。深圳将每月15日确定为“公务员志愿者服务日”(Public Servant Voluntary Service Day)。