学习啦在线学习网 Two elevator malfunctions in the same residential community in Hangzhou within four days have residents worried.
学习啦在线学习网 An 8-month-old girl was flung out after her mother fell over as the elevator they were using plunged at the fifth floor and got stuck at the third on Saturday in Oasis Garden, a residential community in Hangzhou.
学习啦在线学习网 Just four days earlier, emergency physicians who had come to help a 70-year-old woman were stuck in an elevator in the same community. The doctors walked to the 22nd floor, where they found the woman, who by that time had no heart beat.
学习啦在线学习网 周六,在杭州的绿洲花园小区里上演了惊险一幕。由于电梯突然发生“自由落体”,八个月的女婴突然从其母亲怀里跌出。所幸女婴穿着较厚,没有外伤。
学习啦在线学习网 仅仅四天前,该小区一名七旬老人突发疾病,然而当急救车赶来时,医务人员却发现小区消防通道被堵,同时楼内两部电梯双双故障,无奈徒步跑上22楼到达老人家中。由于耽误时间过长老人抢救无效死亡。
"elevator malfunction"就是电梯故障的意思学习啦在线学习网。elevator就是电梯的意思,要注意和escalator(自动扶梯)加以区分。malfunction作名词时是故障,失灵的意思。它也可以作为动词来使用。其反义词就是function。是mal-这个前缀多表示“坏、恶”的意思,例如:maltreat(虐待)、malnutrition(营养不良)、maladroit(笨拙的)等。
