学习啦在线学习网 摘要:墨西哥北部塔毛利帕斯州(Tamaulipas)阿尔塔米拉市(Altamira)一座监狱发生暴乱,造成至少31人死亡、13人受伤。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
At least 31 prisoners were killed and 13 wounded on Wednesday in a fight between different gangs in the prison in the town of Altamira in the northern Mexican state of Tamaulipas, officials said.
The Public Security Ministry said in statement that the collective riot broke out when the inmates of module 11 entered into the module 12 at the prison of Santa Amalia, with capacity for 2,000 prisoners, but which has harbored more than 3,000 in reality.
学习啦在线学习网 墨西哥北部塔毛利帕斯州阿尔塔米拉市一所监狱周三发生囚犯集体殴斗事件,造成至少31人死亡,13人受伤。
公共安全部称Santa Amalia监狱设计容纳囚犯2000名,但实际却关押着超过3000名囚犯,当天11号监房关押的囚犯冲入相邻的12号监房并爆发集体骚乱。
“监狱暴乱”的英文是prison riot,学习啦在线学习网riot即“暴乱、骚乱”,collective riot是“集体骚乱”的意思。跟“监狱”相关的英文表达有:prison/jail/gaol 监狱,prisoner/inmate 犯人,prison break 越狱,fish 新囚犯,gang 帮派,module/cell 牢房,prison guard/jailer/gaoler 狱卒。