学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语其它 > “大使馆”英语怎么说


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学习啦在线学习网   名词解释:大使馆是一国在建交国首都派驻的常设外交代表机关。大使馆代表整个国家的利益,全面负责两国关系,馆长一般是大使,也可以是公使或者其他等级的由派遣国委派的外交人员,由国家元首任命并作为国家元首的代表履行职责。大使馆的首要职责是代表派遣国,促进两国的政治关系,其次是促进经济、文化、教育、科技、军事等方面的关系,使馆同时具有领事职能。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

  Britain shut Iran's embassy in London and expelled all its staff on Wednesday, saying the storming of the British mission in Tehran could not have taken place without consent from Iranian authorities.

  Foreign Secretary William Hague also said the British Embassy in Tehran had been closed and all staff evacuated following the attack on Tuesday by a crowd that ransacked offices and burned British flags in a protest over sanctions imposed by Britain on Tehran.

  Iran warned that Britain's closure of the Iranian embassy in London would lead to further retaliation.



  文中的embassy就是“大使馆”。学习啦在线学习网Iran's/Iranian embassy in London即“伊朗驻伦敦大使馆”,British Embassy in Tehran即“英国驻德黑兰大使馆”。文中的mission意为“使团、代表团”。相关词汇:一国驻另一国的“大使”用英文表达是ambassador,如the British Ambassador to Iran/in Tehran(英国驻伊朗/德黑兰大使),“外交官”的英文是diplomat。