The Political and Legislative Affairs Committee of the CPC Guangdong Committee on Tuesday published a message on Weibo calling for citizens to make suggestions on how the law could better assist those who offer help to people in danger.
The message read: "Please stop the coldness. Guangdong province is going to hold a discussion to criticize the behavior of leaving people in mortal danger out of indifference, and to advocate the spirit to lend a hand to those who need help. Your advice may be written into the province's legislative rules."
How to better protect good Samaritans has become a serious issue in the last ten years in China.
学习啦在线学习网 周二,广东省政法委在官方微博发布信息,就如何更好地援助见义勇为的的人们征求民众的意见。
学习啦在线学习网 微博信息这样写道:“请停止冷漠,广东将开展‘谴责见死不救行为,倡导见义勇为精神’大讨论,问计于民,您在这里的建议将可能成为广东政策法规!”
学习啦在线学习网 在中国过去的十年中,如何更好地保护好心人是一个严重的问题。
文中的“good Samaritans”就是“好心人”的意思。Samaritan是中东种族的撒马利亚人,以乐善好施闻名。在美国和加拿大,有一项Good Samaritan law(好撒玛利亚人法),用来保护自愿救助者。文中的“leave people in mortal danger out of indifference”即“见死不救”,“见义勇为”可译为“lend a hand to those who need help”。