摘要: 法律人士和新婚夫妇说,最高人民法院上周对内地婚姻法进行的颇具争议的司法解释,或许将最终改变人们长期以来的择偶观。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
A judicial interpretation of China's Marriage Law regarding the settlement of property disputes upon divorce came into effect on Saturday, triggering hot discussion among Chinese netizens.
Real estate was before regarded as the shared property of a married couple even if it was given by the parents of one party. But according to the new interpretation issued by China's Supreme People's Court, a house bought by parents will go to their child instead of being split between the couple in case of a divorce. And if the parents of both partners have paid jointly for the property, the two sides should negotiate on how to divide the ownership.
学习啦在线学习网 周六,婚姻法中关于离异时夫妻双方如何分配财产的司法解释生效,引发中国网民的热烈讨论。
学习啦在线学习网 之前,房产被视作夫妻共有财产,即使是由一方父母出资为子女购买的不动产。但是根据中国最高人民法院的新解释,在离婚时由一方父母出资为子女购买的不动产应认定为夫妻一方的个人财产而不在双方间划分。如果双方父母为该不动产共同出资,那么如遇离婚,双方应协商解决所有权的划分问题。
文中的“Marriage Law”就是“婚姻法”学习啦在线学习网,“judicial explanation”就是“司法解释”。很多夫妻为避免纠纷,在婚前签订prenuptial agreement(婚前协议)。条款中引发最大争议的是,由一方父母出资为子女购买的不动产,属于personal property(个人财产),而不是joint estate/common wealth/mutual property (共有财产)。