名词解释: 三公消费,指政府部门人员因公出国(境)经费、公务车购置及运行费、公务招待费产生的消费,是当前公共行政领域亟待解决的问题之一。全国人大会2011年6月30日表决通过关于批准2010年中央决算的决议,经财政部汇总,2010年中央行政单位、事业单位和其他单位“三公“支出合计94.7亿元。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
Almost all central government departments, excluding the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST), failed to publish expenses for "overseas trips, vehicles and receptions" by the end of June, a deadline set by the State Council.
The government's "opaque" spending has exacerbated public concerns about potential corruption and extravagance on the part of officials.
学习啦在线学习网 Since May, the State Council has repeatedly called on its ministries to reduce "squandering practices" and make their fiscal information public in more areas and "provide greater details", especially regarding funds used for the "three public consumptions" - overseas travel, receptions and official cars - as these items have long been criticized as "sources of corruption and waste".
学习啦在线学习网 自五月开始,国务院三令五申要求各部门减少“铺张浪费”并且向公众公开财政信息和“提供更详细细节”,特别是用于“三公消费”的经费——公费出国、公务接待和公车私用,这三项长期以来被批评为“腐败和浪费的根源”。
文中的“three public consumptions”就是“三公消费”,“三公”经费是指财政拨款开支的出国(境)经费(overseas trips)、车辆购置及运行费(vehicle purchasing and maintenance)、公务接待费(official receptions)。要求公开“三公消费”表明腐败行为和权力滥用(practices of corruption and power abuse)会削弱公众对政府的信心(impair the citizens' confidence in the government)。