学习啦在线学习网 Tunisia is struggling to cope with the thousands of refugees fleeing the violence in Libya.
At first, tens of thousands of foreign workers streamed across the Tunisian border. They were immigrants working in Libya from Bangladesh, the Philippines, Nigeria, Mali, Liberia, and many other countries.
学习啦在线学习网 In recent days, a second wave of refugees has arrived in Tunisia: Libyans who are escaping the violence and possible retribution from the forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
学习啦在线学习网 突尼斯正在努力处理数千名逃离利比亚暴力冲突的难民。
学习啦在线学习网 最近几日,第二波移民潮到达突尼斯,这些难民是为了逃避冲突以及忠于利比亚领袖穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲的军队可能发起的报复行为。
文中的“wave of refugees”就是“难民潮”的意思,“refugee”是指“难民”,“refuge”是指“避难、避难所”,常用的词组如“seek refuge”(寻求庇护),“take refuge”(避难),“wildlife refuge”是指“野生动物保护区”。
