学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语其它 > “微醺妆”英语怎么说


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  摘要:酒吧宿醉的人最想掩盖的莫过于泛红的眼圈和浮肿的下眼睑了。不过最近有些人开始追捧这种“微醺”脸. 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

  Red-rimmed eyes and puffy under-eye circles are usually covered up after a night out at the bar. But some people are now embracing this "hangover" look —— even hoping to recreate it on purpose, with the help of makeup.

学习啦在线学习网   Despite the name, "hangover makeup" doesn't necessarily make you look beaten down. In fact, the under-eye blush was originally designed to look vulnerable and innocent because it gives the impression that you have been crying or outdoors in cold weather.

学习啦在线学习网   酒吧宿醉的人最想掩盖的莫过于泛红的眼圈和浮肿的下眼睑了。不过最近有些人开始追捧这种“微醺”脸,甚至刻意用彩妆画出这种效果。



  文中的hangover makeup就是“微醺妆”的意思,其中makeup是名词,意为“化妆,化妆品”,如:Normally she wore little makeup.(她一般不怎么化妆。);相关词汇:日霜(day cream),粉饼(pressed powder),腮红(blush)等。

学习啦在线学习网   第一段中的on purpose表示“有意地、故意地”,侧重所作所为具有特殊目的,如:I didn't hurt your pride on purpose. (我不是故意伤害你的自尊心。)