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学习啦在线学习网   导语:《一步之遥》(Gone With The Bullets)是由北京不亦乐乎电影文化发展有限公司于2014年出品的电影,该影片由姜文执导,姜文、葛优、周韵、舒淇、文章、王志文等主演,影片剧情改编自历史上真实的民国奇案“阎瑞生案”。影片讲述的是1920年的上海,花国大选如火如荼,最终归属扑朔迷离。操纵大选的几个海外回来的上海小开想借此大捞一把,还请动了上海滩的头面人物出席大选决赛,选举结束时后,一场意外,使一切发生了翻天覆地的变化的故事。


  In Gone With the Bullets, director Jiang Wen defines film as follows: “Movies are a kind of art to be commonly appreciated by the world.” But ironically, many who saw Gone With the Bullets left theaters unsure of what the director intended to convey.

学习啦在线学习网   在《一步之遥》中,导演姜文对电影的定义是“全世界人都看得懂的艺术”。但讽刺的是,《一步之遥》却让很多观众观影后一头雾水,不明白导演到底想表达什么。

学习啦在线学习网   The storyline is straightforward. The movie is based on the true story of Yan Ruisheng, a middle class playboy who plotted the murder of a renowned prostitute in 1920s Shanghai. The narrative revolves around Ma Zouri (Jiang Wen) and his relationship with two women, beauty queen Wanyan Ying (Shu Qi) and Wu Liu (Zhou Yun), a filmmaker and warlord’s daughter.

  这部电影故事情节并不复杂,改编自真实事件“阎瑞生案”。历史上,二十世纪二十年代,洋场恶少闫瑞生在上海密谋杀害了著名妓女(王莲英)。影片里,故事则围绕马走日(姜文 饰)和与其关系密切的两个女人——选美皇后完颜英(舒淇 饰)与(上海)大军阀之女、电影制作人武六(周韵 饰)展开。

学习啦在线学习网   The film unfolds in Jiang’s signature style, featuring elements of satire, fantasy and comedy. The first 30 minutes of the film are more like a musical, as we are shown highly decorated sets with garish lighting and scantily clad women dancing sexily.


  Ma holds a lavish beauty contest in which Wanyan is chosen by the audience as winner for the third time after a stirring speech.


  The turning point is Wanyan’s mysterious death. Ma, the only one at the crime scene, becomes the most likely suspect. The second half of the movie is all about Ma’s struggle to prove his innocence and Wu Liu, the heroine, trying to rescue her beloved man.

学习啦在线学习网   而完颜英的离奇死亡则成为电影的转折点。唯一身在犯罪现场的马走日成为头号嫌疑人。电影的后半部分自此展开,讲述了马走日如何试图证明自己的清白,以及倾心于他的女主武六如何想方设法拯救爱人的故事。

  The movie defies what you would expect from a talented film auteur. Jiang’s last work, 2010’s Let the Bullets Fly, was highly regarded for keeping audiences on the edge of their seats and thinking about plot details long after the movie ended. Gone With the Bullets, however, fails to do that.


  Like a child, Jiang puts everything he likes into the movie. During the 140-minute runtime we see newsreel footage, musicals, film noir, stage plays, operas, and not to mention elements from better films like The Godfather and Chicago.


  In an interview with Mtime, the director said that the movie is a tribute to audiences with curiosity. But what most audiences want, probably, is a good story with emotional drama, not a pile of unnecessary baggag.
