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 导语: 克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth),1983年8月11日在墨尔本出生,澳大利亚演员。2011年,克里斯出演了好莱坞电影《雷神》,并凭借雷神一角成为好莱坞明星。2012年,克里斯获得第14届青少年选择奖夏日最佳男演员。2013年,克里斯以《复仇者联盟》、《白雪公主与猎人》的角色获得了人民选择奖最受欢迎动作电影明星奖。2014年,克里斯获得人民选择奖最受欢迎剧情片男演员提名和青少年选择奖最佳科幻/奇幻电影男演员提名。2014年,克里斯获选美国《人物》杂志全球最性感男人。

  名人介绍:"l雷神" - 克里斯•海姆斯沃斯

  Not many people could have predicted that Australian actor Chris Hemsworth would be named People Magazine’s new Sexiest Man Alive. Look at last year’s title-winner Adam Levine: his 25 tattoos, hot Victoria’s Secret angel wife (and several super models exes), naked portrait for Cosmopolitan, and even his bromance with The Voice co-star Blake Shelton… Everything about the rock band’s lead vocalist speaks to the traditional concept of sexy.

  澳大利亚演员克里斯•海姆斯沃斯当选《人物》杂志2014年最性感男性出乎很多人的意料。看看去年的冠军——亚当•莱文吧:25处纹身,妻子是火辣维密天使(贝哈蒂•普林斯露),几位前任也是超模,为《时尚》杂志拍过裸体写真,在《美国好声音》中与另一位导师布雷克•谢尔顿“基情四射”……这位摇滚乐队(Maroon 5)主唱的一切都完美诠释了传统意义上的性感。'

  As for the 31-year-old Thor star, family man might be his most significant tag. Unlike other typical Hollywood heartthrobs, Hemsworth has been steadily building a family since he tied the knot with Spanish actress Elsa Pataky at 27. The couple has now got three adorable kids.

学习啦在线学习网   再来看看今年31岁的“雷神”(因主演电影《雷神》而得名):居家男人似乎才是他身上最大的标签。与好莱坞其他“万人迷”不同,海姆斯沃斯在27岁时就与西班牙女星埃尔莎•帕塔奇喜结连理,而且家庭稳定,还拥有三个可爱的宝宝。

  What makes him so steamy? Well, maybe we need to redefine sexy first.

学习啦在线学习网   那么,“锤哥”到底性感在哪里?也许,我们需要首先重新定义“性感”一词。

  An article in Slate magazine listed the standards for People’s Sexiest Man Alive of this moment: “… straight, mid-30s, handsome to women, relatable to men, mired in no known scandals, famous enough to have starred in a blockbuster film or high-rated television show in the past year.”


学习啦在线学习网   It’s hard to deny Hemsworth’s sexy physical appearance, with his masculine face, blonde hair, blue eyes, and of course, muscular body. Yahoo Health put together a piece on other celebrities with similar facial features including Daniel Craig and David Beckham and concluded they are all ruggedly handsome men’s men.

学习啦在线学习网   无法否认的是,海姆斯沃斯拥有性感的外貌:充满阳刚之气的面庞,金发碧眼,还有一身肌肉。雅虎健康曾盘点过面部特征与他相似的一些男星,其中包括丹尼尔•克雷格、大卫•贝克汉姆等,发现他们的帅气都属于粗犷奔放一类,可谓“男人中的男人”。

  Aside from good looks, a successful career adds most to a man’s charm. After being a handsome background actor in movies for several years, in 2011, Hemsworth got the opportunity of a lifetime to play a magic hammer-wielding god in superhero movie Thor. In 2013, he starred in the sequel. Dedicated actor that he is, the Australian put on 9 kilograms to fit in the role of Thor, and then kept a diet of less than 600 calories a day for his role in the movie In the Heart of the Sea, which will be released in 2015.


  Hemsworth has also avoided the negative press associated with celebrities who pursue a party lifestyle. He revealed in his interview with People that he’d rather be with his wife and three kids when not working.

学习啦在线学习网   海姆斯沃斯也与负面新闻绝缘。不同于与喜爱派对的那些明星,他在接受《人物》杂志采访时表示:没有工作时,自己更愿意陪伴妻子与3个孩子。

  It seems he’s a perfect fit for the new sexy. And the man has more: he’s funny. When answering talk show host Jimmy Kimmel’s question about what it feels like to be the Sexiest Man Alive, Hemsworth couldn’t help but joke, “I’m most excited about the ‘alive’ portion of that statement, and the ‘sexy’ is a bonus.”

  如此看来,他正是新性感(男性)的最佳人选。而且除了性感,他还很幽默。在做客鸡毛秀时,当主持人吉米•坎摩尔问他当选在世 “最性感男性”有何感受时,海姆斯沃斯忍不住开玩笑道,“我更喜欢这个头衔中‘在世的’这个部分,‘性感’只是个额外福利。”