学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语其它 > 斯皮尔伯格科幻悬疑剧传世英语介绍


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  导语:自2013年史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)监制的《穹顶之下》(Under the Dome)一炮而红,创下夏季档收视纪录之后。2014年的夏夜收视之战比往年来得更猛烈一些。2014年7月10日, CBS又一部由他监制的科幻剧《传世》(Extant)也将加入到夏季档队列中来,国内搜狐视频首播同步播出。此剧曾被多家广播电视网和有线电视网争夺,最后花落CBS电视网。

学习啦在线学习网   The names of Steven Spielberg and Halle Berry alone would make Extant, CBS’ new summer sci-fi drama, a must-watch. Their latest collaboration proves not only the magic of the talented duo, but also shows how delicate and inventive a summer series can be.


  The Spielberg-produced series begins when astronaut Molly Woods (Halle Berry) returns home after a 13-month-long solo mission in space. While she’s struggling to fit back in with her family — scientist husband John and their “son” Ethan, an artificial intelligence robot created by John — Woods’ doctor drops a bomb: she’s pregnant.


  The show’s high-concept mystery at its center is quite intriguing, but judging by an early look at things after three episodes (the series premiered on July 9), what drives Extant isn’t the who’s-the-daddy mystery, but the show’s ideas.


  First, it establishes with several quick cues that you’re looking at the future: driverless cars, bathroom mirrors that turn into television screens at a touch, and garbage cans that compact trash elegantly.


  Extant also combines a lot of sci-fi premises we’ve seen before. For example, Woods’ predicament, explored through flashbacks to her lonely time working in space, is reminiscent of 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), with a touch of Gravity (2013) thrown in. There’s also the corporate conspiracy that recalls Alien (1979), and the series’ main plot is straight from Spielberg’s A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001).


学习啦在线学习网   Those ideas may not be new, but the creators deserve credit for trying to revive this kind of classic sci-fi mystery, which it is hard to find new ideas for.

学习啦在线学习网   虽然这些元素略显老套,但是能再现这些经典的科幻悬疑元素本身就可圈可点,毕竟要想到新创意实属不易。

  It’s way too soon to say whether the show will work out, but it’s promising that the early episodes seem confident enough to play it cool and create an atmosphere, rather than directly giving audiences many “wow” moments.

学习啦在线学习网   该剧能否大获成功尚未可知,它展现的绝不是单纯几处惊艳瞬间,仅前几集就将氛围营造得恰到好处,引人致胜。

  Despite starring an Oscar-winning actress, the first three episodes don’t offer many shining moments for Berry, whose performance is reserved and quiet. But of course, Berry’s star quality is enough to keep us riveted and waiting for whatever twist comes next.


  In the end, Extant may be going where many other sci-fi stories have gone before, but for a summer network drama, it’s at least trying to take a slightly different path. It certainly has the potential to be extant throughout the hot months.
