

时间: 楚欣650 分享


  ——Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Greg Robinson, please?

  ——Hi, Susan! 1 . What can I do for you?

  ——Well, I’m calling to tell you about the theatre group I belong to, the Princeton players. We’re looking for more people to join, especially men. 2 .

学习啦在线学习网   ——Oh, you know how much I love acting, but I’m taking some very hard courses. I might be able to learn my part, but 3 .

学习啦在线学习网   ——Well, actually we rehearse only one night a week, Thursday, from 7 to 10, though we would have to put in extra time before a performance.

  ——Only once a week, you say? 4 .

学习啦在线学习网   ——Sure. But look, why don’t you come and watch our rehearsal next Thursday? I think you will like the way we work. When you see how much fun it is, you’ll want to join right away.

  ——Ok, I’ll come to a rehearsal, 5 .

  ——Great! I’ll give you a call on Wednesday to remind you. Talk to you then. Bye for now.

  ——Bye, Susan.

A. I’m Greg Robinson.
B. And I thought you might be interested in it
C. It’s Greg
D. but I can’t promise more than that
E. I would hardly have time to rehearse
F. if the play interests me.
G. Well, could you give me time to think it over?

  Key: 1-5 CBEGD


  ——Hi, Jenny. Is it true you’re moving to Lodon?

  ——Yes, it is.

  —— 1 .

  ——Work, mainly. I’m sure I’ll be able to find a job there.

学习啦在线学习网   ——You’re probably right. 2 .

  ——I hope I’ll find a flat to share with somebody. That way it will be cheaper.

学习啦在线学习网   ——Yes, that’s a good idea. 3 .

  ——No, I don’t think so. My parents have offered to take care of it. And I don’t think it would be happy in the city.

  —— 4 . But aren’t you afraid of moving to such a big place, especially after living in a small village?

  ——Not really. I think I’ll enjoy myself. There’s so much to do there. I expect I won’t miss the countryside much and I can always come back and visit.

  ——Well, 5 .

A. I just hope you’ll invite me to stay when you get settled.
B. But where are you going to live?
C. Why will you leave us?
D. What made you decide to do that?
E. Sounds great.
F. Are you taking your dog with you?
G. You’re probably right.

  Key: 1-5 DBFGA


学习啦在线学习网   —Now, tell me about the man who stole your neighbour's car. What did he look like?

  —Well, sir. He was tall...

  —  1

学习啦在线学习网   —Oh yes, and he was younger than you—only about thirty, I'd say.

  —Well! And what colour was his hair?

  —It was brown, and short...it was similar to yours, actually.

  — 2

学习啦在线学习网   —No.He was clean­shaven.

学习啦在线学习网   —OK. Now have a look at these photos—can you see him?

学习啦在线学习网   — 3

学习啦在线学习网   —But that's Frankie Famham—he's got a beard, and he's very short!

学习啦在线学习网   —Hm, well...

  — 4

  —Yes, the strangest thing was that he appeared to be a gentleman—he was wearing a

学习啦在线学习网   suit... not like a thief at all.

学习啦在线学习网   —Hm, like this photo?

  —Yes, that's him!

  —That's Bill Mahony: he's in prison! Are you sure you saw the thief?

  — 5

A.No, I can't.
B.Taller than me?
C.How tall was he?
D.Did he have a beard?
E.Well, er, it was very dark...
F.Oh yes, he looked exactly like this one here.
G.Do you remember anything else about the man?

  答案:1~5 BDFGE


  Charley:Come on,Steve, 1

  Steve:Wait a minute. 2

学习啦在线学习网   Charley:OK.

  Steve:By the way,can we give my sister a ride home tonight?

学习啦在线学习网   Charley:Sure. 3

  Steve:Yeah.She wants to take some pictures.

  Charley: 4

  Steve:Yeah.She'd like to work for a newspaper someday.

  Charley:But I think it might be difficult for her to succeed. 5

A.Well,she always enjoys sports games,doesn't she?
B.I didn't know Eva was interested in photography.
C.There are a lot of photographers out there.
D.You mean she's coming to the game,too?
E.I just have to close up the shop.
F.Eva's closing the door.
G.It's time to go.

  答案:1~5 GEDBC


  —Oh,Christina,is that you?How have you been?

学习啦在线学习网   —I've been okay.I've just been busy with school.We really should get together and have a chat. 1

学习啦在线学习网   —I'd love to,but I'm leaving for Miami at 8 tonight because my brother is getting married on Saturday morning.

  — 2  I hope that you have a nice time there.

学习啦在线学习网   —Well,what are you doing now?Maybe we can go to the coffee shop and chat for a while.

  —I really wish I could, 3

学习啦在线学习网   —Tennis courts? 4

学习啦在线学习网   —I'm taking tennis lesson.My roommate is on a tennis team and she's gotten me interested in the sports. 5

学习啦在线学习网   —A little,but I haven't played for years.When I come back from my trip,I'll join you in taking lessons.

  —OK.Just give me a call when you get back.



高考英语补全对话(五) Hello, this is Susan Wilson. May I speak to Greg Robinson, please? Hi, Susan! 1 . What can I do for you? Well, Im calling to tell you about the theatre group I belong to,


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