学习啦在线学习网 还有的烤鸭们习惯想到哪写到哪,有一句是一句,这样不仅浪费时间而且逻辑混乱,甚至为了凑字数套句大批地乱用,最后写出了一篇自己都不怎么明白的作文。
让你变成一个学术人(academic student),如何正确写essay,report,怎么做presentation等等,英语那时候已经变成了工具而不再是你需要学习和掌握的学习内容了。
学习啦在线学习网 “四段式,三句定全文”是语言班老师提倡的essay写法,当时的essay只是“扩大版雅思大作文”,除了字数增多外没有改变,而这同样也是我们列提纲最快的方法:
学习啦在线学习网 Introduction
学习啦在线学习网 main body 1
main body 2
学习啦在线学习网 conclusion
这样的四段适用于单边和双边还有报告文,那三句又是哪三句呢?分别是你Introduction的最后一句话,Main Body 1的第一句话,Main Body 2的第一句话,它们分别叫Thesis statement,Topic Sentence 1和Topic Sentence 2.
Topic:These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?
Topic: As well as making money, businesses should also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?
The issue regarding whether making money is the most important goal of businesses is controversial. There are a large number of people who support that businesses should also undertake social responsibilities. Personally, taking social responsibilities is capable of bringing two main benefits despite some existing drawbacks.
There is no denying that social responsibility can enhance the reputation and profitability. First, information spread is getting fast since rapid development of information media, which implies that any contribution from enterprises could be easily recognized by public. Thus, this would drive people to form a positive impression to these enterprises, thereby increasing their sales volume. Second, most socially responsible investments are government-supported. Empirically, businesses in purpose of enhancing social welfare, such as infrastructure construction and philanthropy, can gain government financing. Because it can alleviate the burden of government, so that to solve the problems about insufficient fund as well as promote the corporate image.
In addition, the fact that undertaking social responsibilities needs high costs may be the most typical reason unaccepted by business men. As known, profitability is the key index of enterprises based on adequate normal profits. Hence, overemphasized social responsibilities might cause companies’ inability to survive. Moreover, this requirement may be considered as unfair treatment to small companies. In contrast to large companies, most small entities are self-sustaining and rely on profits to further develop. Nevertheless, large companies with abundant capitals enable to invest some of funds on public utilities even if unprofitable, as they can treat these funds as advertising fees for corporate image and goodwill.
In conclusion, undertaking social responsibilities is beneficial to enterprises, which mainly embodies on two aspects: enhance of reputation and government supporting. However, the contradiction with profitability should not be neglected, it affects some small companies significantly.
学习啦在线学习网 但据我了解,很多学生并不倾向于单边作文的撰写,首先,时间紧迫,没有充足的时间去想观点,双边一正一反几乎不需花时间思考。其次,逻辑清晰,一正一反逻辑最为清晰了,很多写单边的学生容易描述着就写篇了,导致文章结构不清晰,所以,我在这里为那些只想拿6.5的学生推荐一种写法,叫“双边列举法”
Topic:Some people think that in order to improve the quality of education, students should be encouraged to evaluate their teachers. Others, however, think that will result in loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
The feasibility of evaluation system for teachers are widely discussed in society. This system can be adopted to improve the teaching quality indeed, but it may bring several problems as well. Personally, the advantages of students evaluation outweigh the disadvantages.
There are three main benefits to develop this evaluation system. First, this can motivate teachers to improve their instruction. Empirically, motivation comes from pressure, teachers must transform higher pressure into working enthusiasm. Second, students can help schools managers identify low-performing teachers. Traditional evaluative criteria for teachers may depend on students’ average scores solely, leaving academic achievement aside, students’ experience should also be considered. Third, teachers can know students’ real needs by evaluation system. Because many students dare not chat with teachers directly, evaluation system might be an alternative to express their needs.
学习啦在线学习网 Nevertheless, some drawbacks are also inevitable. First, some students may give irresponsible evaluations since negative emotions to teachers. Not all students are rational, hence the results of evaluation are probably unreliable. In addition, this might cause tension between teachers and students. If teachers are punished due to bad evaluations, which may reduce the communication between teachers and students. Finally, teachers may ingratiate themselves with students instead of concentrating on teaching quality.
学习啦在线学习网 In conclusion, students’ feedback is capable of improving teaching effectiveness, but students should be encouraged to evaluate teachers’ performance responsibly.
作者| Lynn
学习啦在线学习网 公众号: 雅思写作王