学习啦在线学习网 首先,雅思阅读文章的难度决定了雅思阅读做题的顺序。
学习啦在线学习网 真正的雅思阅读考试的文章难度并不是固定的,很有可能一开始的文章就很难,所以这个时候,就要求大家能够挑出最简单的文章做,这样最节省时间。
试举剑桥4中TEST 2 为例,三篇文章分别 “lost for words”, “alternative medicine in Australia”, “play is a serious business”.乍一看第三篇文章题目是最简单的,实际上它反而是最难的。
lost for words题型分别是:summary, matching, yes/no/not given.
学习啦在线学习网 alternative medicine in Australia题型分别是:multiple choices, yes/no/not given, 填空题.
学习啦在线学习网 play is a serious business题型分别是:信息段落配对,多选多,配对。
学习啦在线学习网 根据上面对雅思阅读题型的分析,大家就可以总结出一些适用的雅思阅读技巧,初步分析题型后还可以细化,理清做题思路。
学习啦在线学习网 篇文章难度适中,summary 属主旨类型题建议先做,同时可以把人名全部找到以节省时间。matching题中出现五对五配对还有NB。
第三篇文章难度系数较大,信息段落配对难把握,之后的人名理论配对干扰选项过多,从一开始相当于八选一。这样分析下来,我们的做题顺序应该是“Passage 2/1/3”。
学习啦在线学习网 雅思阅读题型没有的难易之分,对其他考生难也许对你反而容易,要结合自己的实际情况,对所有常见的雅思阅读题型进行一个总结,这样才能更快的找到自己的雅思阅读做题顺序。
在五大主流题型中,配对题比较费时,其中信息和段落配对最花时间,建议放在。而作为主旨的heading 和summary 可考虑先做,因为完成主旨题型后文章大致的内容和结构都可以掌握,对于细节题的定位会方便很多。
学习啦在线学习网 以下这篇雅思阅读素材介绍了人们对于饮食营养三大误区,供备考中的考生们参考:
Eggs will raise your cholesterol, and other myths.
Avoid eggs. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Eating carbs will make you fat. Nutritional(1) advice such as this has been touted(2) for years —— but is it accurate?
Not necessarily, according to Wendy Repovich, an exercise physiologist(3) at Eastern Washington University, who did her best to dispel several common nutrition misconceptions(4) during a health and fitness summit held recently in Dallas.
学习啦在线学习网 东华盛顿大学运动生理学家Wendy Repovich称根本没有必要。最近在达拉斯一次健康健美峰会上她极力否定几个普遍传播的营养误区。
"Eating eggs will raise your cholesterol(5)." This myth started because egg yolks(6) have the most concentrated amount of cholesterol in any food, Repovich said. However, when eaten in moderation, eggs do not contain enough cholesterol to pose health risks, she said.
学习啦在线学习网 Repovich说:“吃鸡蛋会增加胆固醇的说法源自鸡蛋比其他食物含有更高浓度的胆固醇,但是适量食用不会对健康造成威胁。”
"Most people avoid eggs and probably if they have any kind of cardiovascular(7) risk their physicians tell them to avoid eggs," Repovich said. "But really, there aren't a whole lot of studies that show that one or two eggs a day really make a difference to cholesterol levels."
"Eating carbohydrates(8) makes you fat" is another myth. Cutting carbs from the diet may help a person shed pounds due to water loss from a decrease in carbohydrate stores, Repovich said, but eating carbs in moderation does not directly lead to weight gain.
Here's another myth. "Drink 8 glasses of water a day." Repovich said people need to replace water lost through breathing, urinating, sweating each day —— but that doesn't necessarily total 64 ounces of water.
学习啦在线学习网 "I see an awful lot of people carrying bottled water around," Repovich said. "I think people are still under the impression that they have to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but most people don't realize they get water from other sources in the diet."
学习啦在线学习网 And too much water can be harmful, Repovich warned, leading possibly to an imbalance in the body of sodium(9), a condition called hyponatremia.
学习啦在线学习网 Repovich还警告说喝太多水是有害的,可能引起体内钠含量失衡,患上低钠血症。
学习啦在线学习网 It's also a myth, Repovich said, that everyone needs vitamin supplements, although she admits to popping a multivitamin(10) each morning. People who eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, along with moderate amounts of a variety of low-fat dairy and protein and the right quantity of calories, probably don't need a vitamin supplement, she said.
学习啦在线学习网 尽管Repovich每天早晨都泡一片多种维生素片,但她说并非所有人都需要补充维生素。如果一个人每天食用多种水果、蔬菜、全麦,适量摄入低脂奶制品、蛋白质和卡路里,就不用再吃维生素片了。
"But for the most part, we don't eat the way we should so probably a simple multivitamin is good for most people," Repovich said.
学习啦在线学习网 1. nutritional:营养的
2. toute:吹捧
学习啦在线学习网 3. physiologist:生理学者
学习啦在线学习网 4. misconceptions:错误的想法
5. cholesterol:胆固醇
6. egg yolk:蛋黄
7. cardiovascular:心脏血管的
学习啦在线学习网 8. carbohydrate:碳水化和物
9. sodium:钠
10. multivitamin:多种维生素剂
学习啦在线学习网 以上就是关于人们对于饮食营养的三大误区的雅思阅读材料的全部内容,非常详细的介绍了相关的话题,大家可以在备考雅思阅读考试和雅思小作文的时候,对这篇文章进行适当的参考和阅读。