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学习啦在线学习网   掌握雅思阅读题的出题思路就可以从中预测出雅思阅读文章的行文顺序,进而总结出答案出现的特点。这样对我们的答题的效率的帮助是非常大的,所以我们来看看雅思阅读题的出题思路是什么。下面是小编给大家带来的雅思阅读题的出题思路,希望能帮到大家!


学习啦在线学习网   雅思阅读主要考查考生寻找细节信息(Specific Information)和对文章大意(Main Idea)的理解能力,不同的题型需使用不同的阅读技巧。

学习啦在线学习网   例如大意题型中最具代表性的标题配对题型(List of Headings),阅读时应采用skimming和skipping相结合的阅读技巧。在快速阅读时不仅要明白作者真正的写作目的,知道作者是在对某一事件或现象等进行描述(Describe)还是在通过对比、推理、预测等提出观点(Argue),与此同时要能够跳过一些细节信息(如例子、解释说明、过程的描述等具体细节内容),准确把握每一段的主题句,理解段落大意。这种题型其实是考查考生对英语学术类文章惯用的写作思路,即Deductive(推论演绎)和Inductive(归纳总结)的认识,进而通过了解文章布局理解文章内容。

  而在处理细节信息题型的时候,无需通读全文,考查的是考生对文章细节内容的寻找能力,主要学会使用Scanning的阅读技巧到文中去快速准确定位题目对应信息即可。实际上这类题型就是考查考生对定位词(Locating Words)的掌握和辨认能力,定位不准就会直接影响答案的准确性,约90%的题目都要借助Scanning来完成。

  针对以上两种题型的出题思路,广大考生应从根本上不断加强阅读技巧的训练,尤其是Skimming和 Scanning,把泛读和精读相结合,了解主题句的特点及主题句在段落中的分布情况,并学会分析和预测文章结构,积累各类相关的雅思阅读话题。在做细节题的过程中,要牢记定位词的特点,不断分析总结定位词的规律,以便有效提高解题的速度和准确度。因此,建议考生在答题之前,一定要先大概预览一下文章主题及题目类型,预测文章结构,决定阅读方法和做题顺序。



  1)It + is/was + 被强调部分 + that/which/who/whom/whose + 句子的其他成分:

学习啦在线学习网   在这一结构中,如果被强调部分是人,用"that",“who”,“whom”;如果被强调部分是物,用"that"或“which";强调状语时,只能用"that",不能用"when",“where” 和"why";强调的主语是复数,主句的谓语动词也得用单数。

学习啦在线学习网   It was uncle Bill、whose telephone number I lost.

  It was we that/who arrived there first.

  It was because it rained heavily that they didn’t go outing.

学习啦在线学习网   [注]①强调的成分通常为主语、宾语、宾补、状语以及由名词短语表示的主语补足语等。

  It is Alice that/who looks pretty.(强调主语)

  It was the wall that they painted white yesterday.(强调宾语)

  It was yesterday that he put the wall white.(强调状语)

  It Was the chairman of the Trade Union that we elected.(强调宾补)


  It is I who have responsible for the organization.

  It was he that/who painted the wall white yesterday.


  误:It is beautiful that Helen is.

  He is taller by far than any other student in his class.

  He is by far the taller of the two.

  ④“No matter”+“关系代词/关系副词”加强语气:

学习啦在线学习网   No matter what you may say,1 won’t believe you.

  No matter when our motherland needs us.we’ll respond to her call.

  No matter how busy the president is,he often takes time off to give talks to the students.

学习啦在线学习网   ⑤其他形容词、副词或词组用于加强语气:

学习啦在线学习网   Put it right in the middle.

  Tom is absolutely right in doing this job.

学习啦在线学习网   This is just the word the author uses in his article.

  I am anything but a kill-joy(扫兴的人).(=I am not a kill-joy at all.)

  He is nothing but a worker.(=He is only a worker.)

  He is nothing if not careful.(=He is very careful.)

  They are the truest of friends.

  The very act stepping on this soil was for me a far greater adventure.

学习啦在线学习网   The newspaper reporters got excited at the very sight of the Nobel Prize Winner.

学习啦在线学习网   It is beautiful song that Helen is singing.


  It must be Mike that is listening to the music.

学习啦在线学习网   It might have been John who was in the traffic jam.

学习啦在线学习网   It would have been at that time that he went to live in London.

学习啦在线学习网   3)“It is/was + not until+被强调部分+that+…”表示强调: