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学习啦在线学习网   We are not, habitually, a nation of stress-busters. If anything, stress is busting us. Accordingto a report this week by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, stress hasovertaken the usual suspects – RSI, disease, back pain – to become the most common cause oflong-term absence from work. Tighter budgets, tougher workloads and, most of all, the loomingthreat of job losses are to blame.


学习啦在线学习网   Conventional stress-busting, it seems, is failing us. So perhaps it's time for some newideas. Here are five top tips for hardcore workplace stress relief:


  1. Connect with nature

学习啦在线学习网   Turn your office into a tropical paradise with the sounds of the rainforest. If you play themoff an iPod you’ll be asked to turn it off, but fill the office with actual macaws, frogs and gibbonsand your colleagues just won’t know what to do. You will: chillax.

  1. 亲近大自然


  2. Win small battles

  Someone in the office driving you particularly mad? Stroll over and offer to pick them up atea, then come back with a coffee instead. You can safely pretend it was forgetfulness. They'llknow it was really spite.

  2. 赢场小战

学习啦在线学习网   办公室里是否有人让你非常生气?随意地走过去问他们要不要喝杯茶,然后给他们倒杯咖啡回来。你可以假装忘了,但是他们会明白这是一顿教训。

  3. Sweat it out

学习啦在线学习网   Exercise is the most effective weapon in the fight against stress. Unless, of course, you’rea fitness instructor, and you’re stressed because you’re doing too much exercise. If that’s you,try to nap it out. For the rest of us though, exercise is vital, so what better way to bring downyour stress levels than by taking up boxing and inviting hated colleagues and superiors to joinyou for a lunchtime bout? We all daydream about punching the boss. Why not do it? Theexercise will help them de-stress too.

  3. 出出汗

学习啦在线学习网   运动是舒缓压力最有效的武器。除非你是一名因运动过量而感到压力的健身教练,如果你真是这样的一名教练,那就别再动了。对于我们其他人而言,运动非常重要,有什么比学习拳击然后在休息时邀请你讨厌的同事或领导来一场友谊赛更加能缓解压力的方法呢?我们一直在幻想能够殴打老板,为什么不付诸实践呢?运动也能帮他们放松放松。

  4. Get some perspective

  When things get really tough, try to remind yourself: it doesn’t really matter. Those bookscan go unmarked, those markets unanalysed, that coronary unperformed. In the grand schemeof things, turning up in court to defend your client is as pointless as polishing bread. Which isnot to say don’t do it. Just do it in the comforting knowledge that all life is futile and will soonend.

  4. 心态放宽

学习啦在线学习网   在工作非常辛苦的时候,尽量提醒自己:无所谓。书可以不署名,市场分析可以不做,甚至冠心手术也可以不做。万物芸芸,出庭为你的客户辩护看起来就像擦面包般毫无意义。并不是不去做,要做,但要怀着万物皆渺小,终将归于尘土的心态去做。

  5. If all else fails, get out of there

  Fake your death and embark on a new life in the Bahamas. It’s never too late to beginagain. Just remember: futile. Will soon end.

  5. 如果一切都很失败,离开吧
