学习啦 > 学习英语 > 专业英语 > 办公室英语 > 办公室英语会话


时间: 泽燕681 分享



  C:Oh. I didn't realize I was getting an office all to myself.

学习啦在线学习网   C:噢,没想到我可以拥有一间私人办公室。

学习啦在线学习网   F:Yes, you are. And this is your secretary, Jane Borromeo. She is a Filipina but was bornand brought up here and is completely bilingual.


学习啦在线学习网   S:Hi. How do you do? Just holler if you need anything.

学习啦在线学习网   S:嗨。你好!如果有任何需要,只要叫我一声就可以。

学习啦在线学习网   C:Thanks.(to Buchwald)She is a very attractive girl.


  F:And capable, too.


学习啦在线学习网   C:Gee, my nameplate's already on the desk. Everything is so neat.

学习啦在线学习网   C:哇,我的名牌已经放在桌上了。每件东西都很整齐。

  F:Feel free to drop by my office if you have a question.


学习啦在线学习网   C:Even a silly one?


  F:How do you know it's silly if you haven't asked?

学习啦在线学习网   F:你又没问,怎么知道会是个笨问题。

  C:My former colleagues told me three secrets of success in foreign-affiliated companies.First, the ability to speak English well.

学习啦在线学习网   C:我以前的同事告诉我,要在外商公司成功有三个秘诀。第一,良好的英文能力。

  C:Second, an outgoing and sociable wife. And third, not getting involved in office politics.


  F:I agree with the first and the last. You have to be careful when you step into theexecutive jungle and it's best to stay away from office politics, especially in a big organizationlike ours.

学习啦在线学习网   F:我同意第一点和最后一点。当遇见激烈的竞争时,必须要小心,最好远离公司的政治斗争,特别是在像我们这么庞大的机构中。

  F:The English ability is helpful but you already have a fine command of it. I'm not so sureabout the second.


  F:I have a good idea. Why don't you bring your wife to our place for dinner next week? Shecan compare notes with my wife.
