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学习啦在线学习网   办公室中有不同性格的人。那么什么样的人最不受欢迎呢?接下来小编为大家整理了哪种人在办公室最不受欢迎,希望对你有帮助哦!

  The Broken Clock 慢条斯理者:

  These coworkers stink at time management.They're routinely late for everything, includingwork. They tend tospend too much time on emails, take long lunches, and then scramble to getothers to help them meet their deadlines, which, for some reason, they keep missing.

学习啦在线学习网   这些同事在时间管理方面特别烂。他们做什么事情都迟到,也包括工作。他们比一般人花在邮件上的时间要多,吃午饭的时间要长,然后匆匆忙忙的向他人寻求帮助来赶在期限之前完成工作,但是因为某些原因,他们总是会赶不上工作期限。

  Mold Guy 制造臭味者:

学习啦在线学习网   Coworkers who mess up communal spaces were third on the list ofworkplace pet peeves. Theirmonth-old leftovers sport a thick layer offur in the company fridge. Every office seems to haveat least one who stinks up shared spaces.


  The Psst-er 喜欢说闲话者:

  Gossipers were the number one pet peeve in the survey. While some people like to hear juicytidbits about the boss or their colleagues, too much gossip can undermine thespirit of theworkplace. Plus you're always wondering when the Psst-erwill make you the topic du jour.


  The Whiffy Wonder 发出刺鼻气味者:

  You can smell these coworkers wafting about from the other end of the office. They just weartoo much perfume or cologne. Some have an obsession with Obsession. Others feel the needto douse themselves with Old Spice. And hiding in your cubicle won't make the over poweringsmell go away.

学习啦在线学习网   你在办公室的另一端都可以闻到这些同事身上发出的刺鼻的气味。他们打了太多的香水或香膏。有些人对香水痴迷,有些人则认为应该让香水把自己包围起来。而且,即使躲在你的小空间也无法赶走这些刺鼻的气味。

  The Cracker 吱吱作响者:

学习啦在线学习网   Crackers are loud. They crack loud jokes, they crack their knuckles,they crackle their chewinggum, they clank spoons in coffee cups likethey're calling the cows to come in from the fields.People who worknear crackers can find themselves ready to crack.

学习啦在线学习网   吱吱作响者是很吵的。他们大声地说笑话、大声地弄得关节吱吱作响、大声地嚼口香糖、大声地搅拌杯子里的咖啡,就好像他们想换来田野里的牛一样弄出很大的响声。在这些不停制造噪音的人身旁工作,会发现自己的脑袋马上就要炸裂了。

  The Tapper 轻声敲键盘者:

  Tappers are generally quieter than Crackers. Butthat doesn't make them any less annoyingwhen they're tap-tap-tappingon their personal communication devices during meetings. It'sdistracting, rude, and yes, just plain annoying!


  The one positive aspect of these annoying coworkers is that theytend to unite the rest of uswho can bond over the latest outrageousoffense.
