学习啦 > 学习英语 > 专业英语 > 办公室英语 > 怎样的人会在职场失意


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  1. Being Indiscreet

  Cubicles, hallways, elevators, bathrooms -- even commuter trains -- are not your privatedomain. Be careful where you hold conversations and what you say to whom. Don't tell off-colorjokes, reveal company secrets, gossip about co-workers or espouse your views on race,religion or the boss' personality. Because while there is such a thing as free speech, it's not sofree if it costs you your job!

学习啦在线学习网   1. 不慎重 更多信息请访问:  小隔间、走廊、电梯、卫生间——甚至通勤火车——都不是你的私人领地。要注意你说话的地点以及你说话的内容和对象。不要讲低俗的笑话、泄露公司机密、讲同事的闲话,也不要宣扬你关于种族、宗教的观点或对你老板性格的看法。因为尽管有言论自由这回事,但如果以失去你的工作为代价那它就不这么自由了。

  2. Not Being a Team Player

  No one feels comfortable around a prima donna. And organizations have ways of dealing withemployees who subvert the team. Just ask Philadelphia Eagles Wide Receiver Terrell Owens,who was suspended for the 2005 season after repeatedly clashing and taking public shots athis teammates and management. Show you're a team player and demonstrate that you've gotthe greater good of the organization at heart.

  2. 缺乏团队精神


  3. Missing Deadlines

  If the deadline is Wednesday, first thing Thursday won't cut it. Organizations need people theycan depend on. Missing deadlines is not only unprofessional; it can play havoc with others'schedules and make your boss look bad. When making commitments, it's best to under-promiseand over-deliver. Then, pull an all-nighter if you have to. It's that important.

  3. 错过最后期限

学习啦在线学习网   如果最后期限是周三,把它作为周四第一要事已毫无意义。公司需要他们可以信赖的人。错过最后期限不仅不专业;也会严重破坏别人的日程安排并让你老板脸色难看。做出承诺的时候,最好留有余地,然后出色完成。然后,如果实在不行就开夜车。那真的很重要。

  4. Conducting Personal Business on Company Time

  The company e-mail and phone systems are for company business. Keep personal phone callsbrief and few -- and never take a call that will require a box of tissues to get through. Also,never type anything in an e-mail that you don't want read by your boss; many systems savedeleted messages to a master file. And we can't tell you how many poor souls have gotten firedfor hitting the "Reply All" button and disseminating off-color jokes -- or worse yet -- rants abouttheir boss for all to see.

学习啦在线学习网   4. 在上班时间处理私人事务

学习啦在线学习网   公司的邮件和电话系统是为了公司业务服务的。私人电话最好少而短——并且永远不要打那种用掉一盒纸巾才能打完的电话。同样,永远不要在邮件里键入任何你不想被你的老板看到的东西;许多系统将删除的消息保存到一个管理员文件夹。并且我们无法告诉你多少可怜的家伙已经因为点击“回复所有”按钮导致低俗笑话四处传播——或更糟的是 ——怒骂老板的话被所有人看到而被炒鱿鱼的。

  5. Isolating Yourself

  Don't isolate yourself. Develop and use relationships with others in your company andprofession. Those who network effectively have an inside track on resources and informationand can more quickly cut through organizational politics. Research shows effective networkerstend to serve on more successful teams, get better performance reviews, receive morepromotions and be more highly compensated.

  5. 孤立自己


  6. Starting an Office Romance

  Unless you're in separate locations, office romances are a bad idea. If you become involved withyour boss, your accomplishments and promotions will be suspect; if you date a subordinate,you leave yourself open to charges of sexual harassment. And if it ends badly, you're at risk ofeveryone knowing about it and witnessing the unpleasantness.

学习啦在线学习网   6. 开始办公室恋情


  7. Fearing Risk or Failure

  If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. Have a can-do attitude and take risks. Insteadof saying, "I've never done that," say, "I'll learn how." Don't be afraid to fail or make mistakes.If you do mess up, admit it and move on. Above all, find the learning opportunities in everysituation. Remember, over time, risk-aversion can be more hazardous to your career thanerror.

学习啦在线学习网   7. 害怕风险或失败

学习啦在线学习网   如果你自己都不相信自己,就没有别人会相信你。保持一个“能行”的态度,敢于冒险。不要说,“我从没做过那个,”要说,“我会学着做。”不要害怕失败或犯错。如果你真的把事情弄糟了,承认之,然后继续。总之,在每个工作中找到学习机会。记住,随着时间的推移,规避风险比犯错对你的职业生涯更具危害性。

  8. Having No Goals

  Failure doesn't lie in not reaching your goal, but in not having a goal to reach. Set objectivesand plan your daily activities around achieving them. Eighty percent of your effectiveness comesfrom 20 percent of your activities. Manage your priorities and focus on those tasks that supportyour goals.

  8. 没有目标


  9. Neglecting Your Image

学习啦在线学习网   Fair or not, appearance counts. People draw all kinds of conclusions from the way you presentyourself. So don't come to work poorly groomed or in inappropriate attire. Be honest, useproper grammar and avoid slang and expletives. You want to project an image ofcompetence, character and commitment.

  9. 忽视个人形象

学习啦在线学习网   不管公平与否,外表真的很重要。人们从你的展现自己的方式中对你做出各种评价。因此,不要不梳洗或穿不适合的衣服来上班。要坦诚,用语得当,并避免俚语和粗话。你应该建立一种有能力、有个性并且有责任的形象。

学习啦在线学习网   10. Possessing Poor People Skills

  A little likeability can go a long way. Studies by both the Harvard Business Review and FastCompany magazine show that people consistently and overwhelmingly prefer to work withlikeable, less-skilled co-workers than with highly competent jerks. Researchers found that ifemployees are disliked, it's almost irrelevant whether they're good at what they do, becauseother workers will avoid them.

  10. 人际交往技能不佳

学习啦在线学习网   讨人喜欢会大有帮助。《哈佛商业评论》和《快速公司》杂志的研究均表明和那些能力强而呆板的人相比,人们一致而且不可遏制地更喜欢和那些可爱的、工作不那么熟练的同事工作。研究发现如果员工不被喜欢,那么他们是否擅长自己的工作就显得无关紧要了,因为其他员工都会回避他们。