学习啦 > 学习英语 > 专业英语 > 办公室英语 > 从办公桌透露出你的心理


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学习啦在线学习网   从不同人的办公桌的摆设就能看出一个人的性格或状态。接下来小编为大家整理了从办公桌透露出你的心理,希望对你有帮助哦!

学习啦在线学习网   A behavioral psychologist has identified six main types of personality exposed by office work spaces:


学习啦在线学习网   1.Disorganized chaos – undisciplined piles of paper, mould-filled coffee mugs – speaks less flatteringly. It shows you are unable to delegate, to say no or to keep up.


  2. Neutral-look desk. Quite organized but not too bland desk, with a pot plant and a snap of your Labrador, should reassure your colleagues that beneath your superpowers you are human.

学习啦在线学习网   相对中庸的摆设。办公桌井然有序但又不失生气,一盆绿植加一张家中宠物犬的靓照会让同事觉得,在威严背后,你和他们是一样的。

  3. The coffee hub of the office. A forest of foliage, photographs of your extended family, and souvenirs from your last five trips to Great Yarmouth all on your desk? You are doubtless an extrovert.


  4. Heavily personalized desks imply that the occupant is settled and plans to stay, but too much homey clutter can backfire. Bottles of nail varnish, mouthwash, vitamin pills and soft toys may suggest you are more interested in your own image than in your job.


  5. Creatively chaotic desk. This might go down well in the media industry. The clutter, on close examination, will indicate wide cultural interests and mental agility.

学习啦在线学习网   杂乱却有序的办公桌。这种办公桌多见于媒体行业。如果仔细看一下桌上“杂物”,会发现桌子的主人在文化方面兴趣广泛而且思维敏捷。

  6. Trophy desks reek of success. The ingredients are simple: a scattering of postcards from expensive destinations where you have spent holidays or conducted lucrative business meetings; invitations from dignitaries; and, casually but strategically placed, the odd award acknowledging sporting or professional triumph.

学习啦在线学习网   摆满奖杯的办公桌多散发成功的气息。桌上常见的摆设有:来自各种奢华度假景点或商务会议地点的明信片、名人发出的请柬,以及看似随意实则颇费心思摆放的运动或专业领域奖状。