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  星期二的英语:Tuesday; Tues. ;



  The meetings are on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the main hall.

学习啦在线学习网   下星期二将要开学。

学习啦在线学习网   School will begin next Tuesday.



  Would next Tuesday be too late?


学习啦在线学习网   He's available on Tuesday.


学习啦在线学习网   The baseball game on Tuesday is the most important game this year.

学习啦在线学习网   他是星期一走还是星期二走?

学习啦在线学习网   Will he go on Monday or on Tuesday?

学习啦在线学习网   当他说星期二时,他实际是说星期四。那只是个口误。

学习啦在线学习网   When he said Tuesday, he really meant Thursday. It was a slip of the tongue.


  Tuesday the boys had the same ill luck.

学习啦在线学习网   星期二我们可以见面吗?

学习啦在线学习网   Let me look over my schedule.

  1. Tuesday's notable gainer was Sony, which reached a high of 9,070 yen. 星期二 的大赢家为索尼公司,其股票上涨至9,070日元的高点。

  2. Nottingham Forest qualified for the final by beating Tranmere on Tuesday. 诺丁汉森林队于星期二 打败了特兰米尔队,取得了决赛资格.

  3. The first debate was supposed to have been held on Tuesday. 第一场辩论本该在星期二 就举行了。

  4. New York holds its primary election on Tuesday. 纽约州将在星期二 举行预选。

  5. Tuesday was a fine, clear and calm day. 星期二学习啦在线学习网 天气晴朗,没有刮风。

  6. Tuesday's lunch overran by three-quarters of an hour. 星期二学习啦在线学习网 的午餐超时了45分钟。

  7. The first ballot is on Tuesday Nov 20. 第一轮投票在11月20号,星期二

  8. They'll probably be here Monday and Tuesday. 他们星期一和星期二 可能会在这儿。

  9. Tuesday is her half day. 星期二 她只工作半天。

  10. She's been off work since Tuesday. 星期二 以来她一直没上班。

  11. A trip to the museum is programmed for next Tuesday. 已计划下星期二 去参观博物馆.

  12. He left last Tuesday — at least, I think he did. 上星期二他离开了,反正我认为他已经走了.

  13. The theatre is booked up for every evening this week except Tuesday. 除星期二 外,本周每晚戏票预订一空.

  14. The new governor's assumption of office will take place next Tuesday. 新州长将于下星期二 到任就职.

  15. I can't come on Tuesday. When else can we meet? 星期二学习啦在线学习网 我不能来. 我们能在其他什么时候碰头 呢 ?

  16. Only half of us came last Tuesday. 上星期二我们只有一半人来了.

  17. We'll be in New York Tuesday thru Friday. 我们从星期二 到星期五一直呆在纽约.

  18. The priest makes pastoral visits every Tuesday. 牧师每星期二作履行神职的访问.

  19. I proposed to go to London on Tuesday. 我打算星期二 到伦敦去.

  20. Last Tuesday we went to the Summer Palace. 上个星期二我们去了颐和园.


中文 :星期二 英语 :Tuesday; Tues. ; 双语例句: 会议在星期二和星期四於大礼堂举行。 The meetings are on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the main hall. 下星期二将要开学。 School will begin next Tuesday. 下星期二会不会太迟了? W