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  wrist watch




学习啦在线学习网   她总胡乱摆弄手表,结果把它弄坏了。

  She fiddled with her watch so much that it broke.

学习啦在线学习网   我的手表走时准确。

  My watch keeps good time.


学习啦在线学习网   It is not a watch.


  What a nice watch!


学习啦在线学习网   Your watch is always slow; it needs to be regulated.


  I redeemed my watch from the pawnshop.


  He has a very old-fashioned watch.

学习啦在线学习网   这手表和那手表价格一样。

  This watch is the same price as that one.


  That watch is as expensive as this.

学习啦在线学习网   您可以在手表的底盖上找到手表的型号。

学习啦在线学习网   You can find the reference number on the back of your watch.


学习啦在线学习网   “Apple got more details right on their watch than the vast majority of Swiss and Asian brands dwith similarly priced watches, and those details add up ta really impressive piece of design.”


  Swrites Benjamin Clymer, the former UBS consultant whfounded and edits the respected horological website Hodinkee.


  In the Apple Watch’s most detailed review yet, he offers his perspective on what the company got right and where the jury is still out.


  What he liked:(I quote)


学习啦在线学习网   The overall level of design in the Apple Watch simply blows away anything – digital or analog – in the watch space at 0… The Apple Watch feels like a lot of thought went intit, and ndoubt it did. It feels expensive.

学习啦在线学习网   我知道有不少人在讨论这个表是否该做得更大些——为什么它没有做得更大呢?苹果公司本可以把整个界面做得更大,更醒目,从远处更好辨认,并且使用更简便。但实际上能看出来,为了让这只表戴起来恰到好处,苹果在很多设计上都是有所节制的。

  I’m sure there was much discussion about making it larger – how could there not be? It would’ve made the entire interface bigger, bolder, more recognizable from afar and easier tuse. The fact that they chose tactually make the thing wearable shows a great deal of restraint.


  The fact that Apple chose tdevelop twfaces dedicated tthe cosmos shows they are, at the very least, aware of the origins and importance of the earliest timekeeping machines, and the governing body of all time and space – the universe.

学习啦在线学习网   再者,这只表保留了拨盘。虽然这是一个“数字拨盘”,但对于一个由讨厌按键和开关的创始人创办的公司来说,他们保留了手表上这一传统的控制中心,确实具有某种深意。

  Further, they kept the crown. Okay, sit’s a “digital crown” on the Apple Watch, but for a company founded by a man known for his distaste of buttons and switches, the fact that they kept the original horological control center says something.

学习啦在线学习网   瑞士手表是不会提供这么多不同的外形供顾客选择的。在这样一个每个行业都开始对细节吹毛求疵的世界上,让人们有机会沉迷于产品的细节是明智之举。

  Nwatch from Switzerland comes with this many choices of finishes, and in a world where every industry is splitting hairs…, it only makes sense toffer the chance for people tobsess of the details.


  What he didn’t like:


学习啦在线学习网   Emotion, or lack thereof: What makes the millions of us that would never trade a Rolex in for an Apple is the emotion brought about by our watches – the fact that they are stimeless, slasting, spersonal… My watches will last for generations, this Apple Watch will last for five years, if we’re lucky.


  The cuff test: The Apple Watch doesn’t fit under my shirt cuff without serious effort, if at all. I believe that great design should not disrupt daily life, and a watch that doesn’t fit under a shirt sleeve is missing something.

学习啦在线学习网   袖口测试:如果不费点心思,苹果手表和我的衬衣袖口就不配。我深信伟大的设计是不应该破坏日常生活的,而一款没法配衬衣袖口的手表显然是有所欠缺的。

学习啦在线学习网   Digital watches are for nerds: The Apple Watch is an incredible piece of engineering, ndoubt. It is still not as cool as a mechanical watch, treal people. This might change with time, but my feeling is that not any time soon will a digital wristwatch, nmatter what it’s capable of, be considered “cool…” At the end of the day, I don’t see people that love beautiful things wearing this with any great regularity.


  Unproven autonomy: The biggest concern those in the mainstream press have with the actual functionality of the Apple Watch is that it must be tethered tan iPhone. Does that mean, if you were tgfor a jog, that the iPhone has tcome with? During yesterday’s hands-on session we asked that directly tApple PR, and they didn’t have an answer at that moment.


  Market leader in a category none really asked for: The Apple Watch is absolutely the best smart watch on the planet. That much I’m sure of. But are we sure that wearable technology is something we really want?







