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学习啦在线学习网   to play ; to play games

  网 络play games;play a game;Playing Games;play at


学习啦在线学习网   在天气非常适合做游戏时,孩子们不应该非得呆在家里做学校的功课。

学习啦在线学习网   Children should not have to stick indoors doing school work when the weather is so good for playing games.

学习啦在线学习网   把椅子摆放成圈,我们要做游戏。

  Put the chairs in circles and we will play games.



  At night we bank up the fire for fun.

学习啦在线学习网   努力不论做功课还是做游戏,每天我都尽到最大努力;如果我一贯努力;就不必为考试忧虑。

学习啦在线学习网   I Try I try to do my best each day. In my work and in my play; And if always do my best; I need not care

  1. They amused themselves by playing games. 他们做游戏消遣.

学习啦在线学习网   2. Talk to your baby, play games, and show her how much you enjoy her company. 和你的宝宝说话,做游戏,让他(她)知道你很喜欢和他(她)在一起。

  3. They had no heart in their sports, and gradually gave them up. 他们做游戏时, 总也提不起精神,到后来干脆不玩了.

  4. By reason of his lameness the boy could not play games. 这男孩因脚跛不能做游戏.

  5. Here and there you find groups of Young Pioneers playing games. 在四周各处都见到一群群的少先队员在做游戏.

  6. In gym class we paired off for the game. 体育课上我们分成一对一对地做游戏.

  7. A group of children are playing games on the playground. 一群孩子正在操场上做游戏.

  8. We play games at the sports ground. 我们在运动场上打球(或做游戏).

学习啦在线学习网   9. The old man watched the children playing games. 那老人看着孩子们做游戏.

  10. We play games in the school yard. 我们在学校的院子里做游戏.

学习啦在线学习网   11. This is an interactive space, we can play the game the here! 这里是互动空间, 大家可以在这里做游戏!

  12. One moment they were playing games and now they quarrelled. 刚才他们还在做游戏,现在却吵起架来了.

  13. At night we bank up the fire for fun. 夜间我们燃起篝火做游戏.

  14. The children were standing in a circle, playing games. 孩子们站成一个圈, 做游戏.

学习啦在线学习网   15. Dad and Mum are playing games with me. We are very happy. 我和爸爸妈妈做游戏. 我们很愉快.

学习啦在线学习网   16. They can all play games on Saturday and Sunday. 他们都能够在周六和周日做游戏.

学习啦在线学习网   17. Is it fair with which spinner you think to play games? 你认为用哪几个转盘做游戏是公平的?

学习啦在线学习网   18. Once again I had a game to play and a new fellow - traveller. 我有了一个新的旅伴,可以再次做游戏了.

  19. They may also play games on the fine sand. 他们也许还会在细细的少滩上做游戏.

学习啦在线学习网   20. Bargaining is child's play for an old hand like her. 她是个砍价老手,讨价还价对她来说就跟小孩子做游戏那么简单.