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学习啦在线学习网   你知道帮助我的英文是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧


  help me


  1. Much obliged for your assistance. 对您的帮助我不胜感激。

  2. My therapist helped me feel my anger. 我的治疗专家帮助我感受自己的怒气。

  3. My family helps to keep me centred. 家人帮助我保持冷静。

  4. He gave me a lot of help. I owed much to him. 他给我许多帮助, 我非常感激他.

  5. When they heard of it, they immediately came to my help. 他们一听说此事便立即赶来帮助我.

学习啦在线学习网   6. They established a credit for 100, 000 dollars in favour of me. 他们给我10万美元贷款来帮助我.

  7. Fellow workers helped me rush her to the hospital. 我们单位的工人同事们帮助我尽快把她送到医院.

  8. I can hardly express my gratitude to you for your help. 对于你的帮助,我几乎难以表达我的谢意.

  9. My success depends on my friend helping me. 我的成功是依靠我的朋友帮助我.

  10. Help me dry up after lunch. 午饭后,请帮助我擦干碗碟.

  21. So many people have helped me with this book that it is hard to pick out the few for special mention. 帮助我完成本书的人数太多,难以从中选出几位特别致谢。

学习啦在线学习网   22. It was like a Whitehall farce the way I was sent from department todepartment and everyone said it was someone < ... ... 英国政府滑稽剧:我被从一个部门打发每个人都说帮助我是他人的事.


学习啦在线学习网   23. Surely it will uncramp to help my right hand. 它当然会复原,来帮助我的右手.

学习啦在线学习网   24. " Now that I have him coming so beautifully, God help me endure. " 既然我已经叫它这样漂亮地过来了, 求天主帮助我熬下去吧.

  25. The family decided to assist me with my chores. 全家人决定帮助我做家务。

学习啦在线学习网   26. My friends endured tremendous danger in order to help me. 为了帮助我,朋友们冒了极大的危险。

学习啦在线学习网   27. Family and old friends help me stay grounded. 是家人和老友帮助我始终做到脚踏实地。

  28. Will you help me to shift the furniture about, please ? 请你帮助我移动家俱好 吗 ?

  29. Please help me load these cases into the car. 请帮助我把这些箱子装到汽车上.

学习啦在线学习网   30. Will you come over to help me with the tough job? 您能否来帮助我做这项艰苦的工作?

  31. I shan't be able to manage ( the job ) ( without help ). ( 没有帮助 ) 我将无法应付 ( 这项工作 ).

  32. Their help enabled me to finish the work with ease. 他们帮助我,使我能够顺利地完成工作.

学习啦在线学习网   33. He came and helped me do up my room. 他来帮助我收拾房间.

  34. With professor Li's help, I have made rapid progress. 通过李教授的帮助, 我进步很快.

  35. I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help. 我应召急忙前去帮助我的朋友.

  36. If it helps me over my difficulties, that's my business, not yours. 如果它能帮助我渡过难关, 那是我的事情, 不与你相干.

  37. It's very kind of you to take the trouble to help me. 你真好,不嫌麻烦地来帮助我.

  38. If you don t help me, I ll haunt you after my death. 如果你不帮助我, 我死后变鬼来缠你.

学习啦在线学习网   39. This year book ekes out souvenir of my life in the university. 这本年鉴帮助我追忆大学生活.

学习啦在线学习网   40. Wolf Larsen was quite considerate, the sailors helped me. 海狼赖生非常体谅我, 水手们都帮助我.


你知道帮助我的英文是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧 帮助我的英文释义: help me 帮助我的英文例句: 1. Much obliged for your assistance. 对您的帮助我不胜感激。 2. My therapist helped me feel my anger. 我的治疗专家帮助我感受自己的


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