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  Graduate school


  They often ask questions about age, company rank, university, and city offamily origin 他们通常会询问有关年龄、 职务 、 毕业学校和籍贯等问题。

学习啦在线学习网   Location: shooting guard graduate schools: the University of North Carolina (North Carolina ) 84 graduation 位置: 得分后卫毕业学校: 北卡罗莱纳大学 ( NorthCarolina ) 84年毕业。

  Connie did well at school and graduated with honours 康妮在学校表现很好,以优异的成绩毕业了。

  For the record, most Moscow girls leave school at about 18. 需要指出的是,多数莫斯科女孩18岁从学校毕业。

  He was a poor performer at school and left with no qualifications 他在校学习成绩不好,没有毕业就离开学校。

  Schools allowed the mass of children to leave school at 16 with poor qualifications 学校允许大部分考试成绩差的学生16岁时毕业离校。

  Four years after he graduated from school, Tom decided to dust off hisalgebra book 汤姆从学校毕业四年后, 决意重温代数

  Upon graduation she was assigned to the position of treasurer of the school 一毕业她就被分配任学校的会计。


学习啦在线学习网   When John graduated from school, he decided that he was done with studyfor good and all 约翰从学校毕业时, 决定永远不再和学习打交道了。

  What school do you go to after leaving primary schools? 小学毕业后,你们去什么学校?

  When did you graduate from school? Which school and which program? 问:你是什么时候毕业的,毕业于什么学校,什么专业?

  He attended a technical school after he graduated at middle school 他中学毕业后,他进入一所工业学校就读。

  After law school she clerked at the Supreme Court 从法律学校毕业后,她就职于最高法院。

  THe school sent every one of us an album when we graduated 学校在我们毕业时送给我们每人一本签名簿。

  The official activities organized for graduation started on Saturday, May 学校组织的毕业典礼活动在5月26日星期六就开始了。

学习啦在线学习网   Technical school or vocational school graduated, major in chemical ormechanical 技术中专或职业学校毕业, 专业为化工或机械。

  Now, Ronaldo from the Nanyang School of Medicine, Zhejiang Xiaoshanwork 如今, 小罗已从南阳中医药学校毕业, 在浙江萧山工作。

  He graduated from Shanghai College of Metallurgy Industry in 1983. 1983 年毕业于上海冶金工业学校。

学习啦在线学习网   Right after Rick graduated from test pilot school, I miscarried 里克刚从试飞员学校毕业, 我就流产了。

  Even if his parents objected, he left school before graduation 即使他父母反对, 他还是在毕业前离开了学校。

  Graduated from theDepartment of the Air Force Medical School 毕业于空军军医学校医疗系。

  Platoon or company officers should be graduates of junior infantry schools 排连干部要初级步兵学校毕业。

  Life opens out for young people when they leave school 年轻人从学校毕业后,所面临的生活就更加丰富多彩了。

  Do come back, from time to time, and let us know 毕业以后和学校常联系, 常回“家”看看, 让我们了解你们的情况。

  Will you please tell me more about your university and major? 谈谈你毕业的学校和专业 怎么样 ?

学习啦在线学习网   No She graduated from a private school Commencement was yesterday 不是她毕业于一所私立学校 昨天才举行的毕业典礼。

  They have graduated from the best of America's schools 他们毕业于美国最好的学校。

  He graduated from a commercial school 他毕业于一个商业学校。

  What university did you graduate from? 你从哪所学校毕业?

  The boy is fresh from school 这男孩刚从学校毕业。


你知道毕业学校的英文怎么说吗?下面小编来告诉你吧。 毕业学校 毕业学校的英文释义: Graduate school 毕业学校的英文例句: They often ask questions about age, company rank, university, and city offamily origin 他们通常会询问