should not;
must not
学习啦在线学习网 你不可以把他的诗歌和他的剧本相提并论。
You cannot equate his poems with his plays.
学习啦在线学习网 我们不可以变更任何过程或元素的属性 ——只能看它们的当前状态。
学习啦在线学习网 We cannot change the properties of any of the processes or elements -- onlyview their current status.
学习啦在线学习网 Although intentional “I's” andcultural “we's” cannot be reduced to, or explained by,social systems ofecological processes, they cannot exist without them, either.
You cannot choose them both at random.
学习啦在线学习网 但是中国不去寻求推销其经济模式并不意味着其他国家不可以向它学习。
But that China does not seek to promote its economic model does not mean thatothers cannot learn from it.
Now that you have imported them, these samples are included as plug-in projectsin your current workspace, which means that you cannot directly execute thetransformations.
学习啦在线学习网 这是一个很棒的方法,可以限制用户哪些计算机程序可用而哪些不可以。
学习啦在线学习网 This is a nice feature for limiting what programs users can or cannot access on the computer.
学习啦在线学习网 既然命令行界面不可以将文件系统结构以图形化的方式表示出来,那么,它一定有另外一种表现方式。
Since a command line interface cannot provide graphic pictures of the file systemstructure, it must have a different way of representing it.
学习啦在线学习网 比利:你不可以这么说!
学习啦在线学习网 Billy: You cannot say that!
学习啦在线学习网 诉讼方或它的任何代表都不可以与陪审团有单方面的通信联系。
No Party or anyone acting on its behalf may have any unilateral communicationwith the Panel.
You cannot break the law.
学习啦在线学习网 它不可以被任何超验的准则或道德条律所,限制和束缚,因为那些并非源自于,政治本身,无论那是上帝的法则,还是,某种超验的道德命令或准则。
It should not be limited or constrained by any transcendent standards or morallaws that do not derive from politics itself, whether a law of God or some kind oftranscendent moral order or code.
The state could prosecute a person, but could not require that he or she assist inthat process.
Nothing says that your goals can’t change over time.
I understand that you have feelings of unhappiness and unresolved issues withyour own family but, again, I ask you to examine why that means that you cannotfind happiness with your own children?
学习啦在线学习网 经过毛毯边缘时的小颠簸不会为它造成障碍,但是高一些的砖墙它就不可以通过了。
Small bumps like the edge of a carpet do not cause trouble, but taller ones canbe a brick wall.
Why can't I have that for my body?
If pooling is disabled, then this agent will be terminated because no idle agent canstay when pooling is off.
学习啦在线学习网 M:我想知道你方可不可以就这批商品给个折扣,通常情况下,批发商会从制造商或供应商那里得到一些折扣。
M: I wonder if you could allow us any discount for this commodity. It's the general practice that wholesalers usually get some discount from manufacturers orsuppliers.
One side cannot put an ultimatum to another.
Many people can, so why can’t you?
学习啦在线学习网 请不要忘记我不可以按照自己喜欢的方式来表达自己,这就是为什么我并不总是能很准确地被理解。
Don't forget that I cannot explain myself as well as I should like. That is why I amnot always accurate.
学习啦在线学习网 此外,有关流产的辩论不可以,也不应该在真空中出现。
Moreover, the abortion debate cannot and should not take place in a vacuum.
学习啦在线学习网 注记:火辣性感的天使想要和你做甜蜜的天爱但却不可以。这才是重点!
学习啦在线学习网 Notes: Hot sexy angel wants to make sweet celestial love to you but cannot. Thisis big!