学习啦在线学习网 短发,是一个相对的概念,是对一定长度内的发型的统称。根据中国美发教育专家李虎翼的定义,发长向下的长度不超过耳垂即称为短发。那么,你知道短发的英语单词怎么说吗?
a close crop
I'd like a bob.
学习啦在线学习网 丽兹现在梳短发,但以前她是长发。
学习啦在线学习网 Liz has got short hair now but it used to be very long.
学习啦在线学习网 男孩子们因他理了短发而跟他开玩笑。
学习啦在线学习网 The boys rallied him on his short haircut.
学习啦在线学习网 汤姆是个短发高个子的男孩。
学习啦在线学习网 Tom is a tall boy with short hair.
学习啦在线学习网 Her short hair accentuated her huge eyes.
学习啦在线学习网 短发和短裙几乎是同时开始流行的。
学习啦在线学习网 Short hair and short skirts came into fashion at about the same time.
Bernice bobs her hair these days!
学习啦在线学习网 A chap with short brown hair was smiling down at me.
She looks much prettier with long hair than with short hair.
学习啦在线学习网 姑娘们开始把她们的头发剪成时髦的短发。
学习啦在线学习网 The girls began to bob their hair to be in style.
Normally, men have short hair and this hair length is ideal for men.
The doll, which will sell for about EUR20, has Merkel's blonde short hair.
学习啦在线学习网 短发也当然可以性感,但是是另外一种方式,而且我们现在还不是讨论这些。
So is short hair, of course, but in a different way, and we’re not making that case — yet.
学习啦在线学习网 完美的人在60岁长棕色的长发,35岁长灰色的短发。完美的人戴假发。
Perfect people have long brown hair at 60 and short grey hair at 35. Perfectpeople wear wigs.
学习啦在线学习网 屋里一群穿着厚厚黑夹克的短发女孩,在炎热的夏天里把自己层层包起来,她们围成一圈,保护着中间的海蒂。
A group of short-haired girls in thick black leather jackets, bundled up despite thesummer heat, encircled Heidi in a protective fairy ring.
"We are not sure of the data yet, but we believe if people have short hair they do not need to use their hair driers for so long and they will use less water," she said.
学习啦在线学习网 她很高很瘦,有一头黑亮的短发,两个大大的眼睛和一张小嘴。
学习啦在线学习网 She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth.
学习啦在线学习网 在古希腊时期,只有女性奴隶才留有短发。
学习啦在线学习网 In Ancient Greece, only female slaves wore their hair short.
Looking at the comb, I could imagine its first owner, a bright spirit in a dropped-waist dress and Louise Brooks bob, reveling in her liberation from corsets, long gowns, and heavy hair buns
学习啦在线学习网 然而我记得在过去短发是一个思想解放女性的标志——还在记着这些女权主义者的嚼头吗?
学习啦在线学习网 Whereas it used to be short hair that was a hallmark of being a liberated woman— remember the feminist chop?
我还和卡尔.惠洛克成为朋友。 他是一所学院的副校长,头上留着灰白的短发,举止非常内敛。
学习啦在线学习网 I made friends with Carl Whillock, a university vice president who had short grayhair and a very reserved manner.
‘I didn’t envy her short brown bob, her boyish figure, nor her eczema, but when it came to height and sportiness she was lucky.
学习啦在线学习网 It helps that I’m cute. With a small frame, light hazel eyes, and short blond hairthat curls under my chin, I don’t appear threatening.
Underneath his starched shirt and short hair were a heart and a brain that sympathized with the peace and civil rights movements.
Emma, 20, has earlier said her new look was her way of saying goodbye toHermione after 10 years with long, wavy hair.
学习啦在线学习网 In it a young woman, hair bobbed and face in shadows, stood with a toddler.
学习啦在线学习网 She has short brown hair.
学习啦在线学习网 Carol: She has short brown hair.
学习啦在线学习网 日本研究人员发现,经济转好的时候,女性喜欢留长发;经济萎靡的时候,女性则喜欢剪短发。
学习啦在线学习网 Japanese researchers have found that when economies are doing well, womenwear their hair long; when there is a slump, they cut it short.