学习啦在线学习网 蜂窝,蜂巢的俗称,英语词译"Comb"。蜂群生活和繁殖后代的处所,引申为像蜂窝似的多孔形状的物体,如蜂窝电话,蜂窝结构等。那么,你知道蜂窝的英语怎么说吗?
学习啦在线学习网 honeycomb
rock pocket
The rock was honeycombed with passages.
学习啦在线学习网 所以这两种排列型式的结构强度很相近,但蜂窝三角形排列的结构刚度更加好一些,推荐在薄膜蒸发器上采用正三角形蜂窝分布型式。
学习啦在线学习网 So the triangle distribution dimple jacket is feasible in structure.
学习啦在线学习网 早期症状可能会被误诊为蜂窝组织炎。
Early symptoms may be misdiagnosed as cellulitis.
学习啦在线学习网 她揭开了绷带,但看见蜂窝一样的伤口感到很恶心,就又把手缩了回来。
She lifted the bandages and drew back in disgust at the gaping wound.
学习啦在线学习网 有一天,他注意到自己院子里的树上有一个蜂窝。
One day he noticed that the tree growing in his yard had a beehive in it.
Honeycombing is the predominant abnormality.
学习啦在线学习网 A film adhesive for bonding aluminum honeycomb core materials was develope.
He told his servant to boil up a bucket of water and pour it over the beehive.
Many people use cellular materials as sensitive elements in hygrometers.
Cellular systems have evolved in four major phases or generations.
我们证明在蜂窝格点下, 量子自旋霍尔相在额外格点的占据被允许的情况下将失去它的健壮性.
学习啦在线学习网 We demonstrate that the QSH phase present in the honeycomb lattice loses itsrobustness as the occupancy of extra lattice sites is allowed.
学习啦在线学习网 一返回蜂房,它们便将花蜜储存在被称作“六角形蜂窝”的蜂房壁上的小巢中,我们就是从那里采集蜂蜜的。
Upon returning to the hive, they deposit the nectar into pockets, calledhoneycombs, in the hive’s walls. It is from here that we get honey.
学习啦在线学习网 蜂窝精神,经济体的行为,超级电脑的思维,还有我内在的生命分布在众多更小的单元上(这些单元自身可能也会被再分布)。
学习啦在线学习网 The spirit of a beehive, the behavior of an economy, the thinking of a supercomputer, and the life in me are distributed over a multitude of smaller units(which themselves may be distributed).
学习啦在线学习网 他们只需要为服务付租费,就可以访问到整个共享的蜂窝基础设施。
They simply pay a subscription for the service and get access to the entireshared cellular infrastructure.
学习啦在线学习网 Cellular systems have evolved in four major phases or generations.
学习啦在线学习网 其他的绿色运动包括屋顶花园、蜂窝以及利用餐厅食物残渣在屋顶进行堆肥项目。这家夜总会的垃圾填埋转移率达到89%。
Its other green initiatives have included a rooftop garden, beehive, and rooftopcomposting of the restaurant's food scraps. The nightclub has a landfill diversionrate of 89 percent.
They scraped a layer of wax off the honeycombs, placing it in a centrifuge machine, catching the honey that flew against the sides of the machine, through afaucet into jars.
这幅万圣节展示发生在以自由闻名的西好莱坞。 一户屋檐下吊着的人体模特戴着佩林标志性的蜂窝头发型和眼镜,脖子上套着绳索。
学习啦在线学习网 A mannequin dressed to resemble the Alaska governor, with her trademarkbeehive hairdo and glasses, was hung by the neck from the eaves of the home infamously liberal West Hollywood.
学习啦在线学习网 The matrix can also simulate operational traffic, run recordings of actual capturednetwork traffic from real exercises, and test cellular networks.
学习啦在线学习网 这些以包括扫帚、蜂窝为材料设计成的椅子,在夏天的拉斯维加斯市场受到了广泛的庆贺和讨论。
The chairs, made of materials including broomsticks and honeycomb, werecelebrated and discussed during a ceremony at the summer Las Vegas Market.
The researchers first created honeycomb-like structures out of donated thecacells, one of the main cell types found in the ovary.
学习啦在线学习网 想想蜂窝网络,我敢说你会想象到基站塔点缀这整个国家,向太空辐射着信号。
Think of a cellular network, and I'll bet you picture cellphone towers dotting thecountry, beaming signals into space.
They believe that the best honey is crunchy, and proudly offer their guests honeyfilled with fragments of waxy honeycomb and bits of dead baby bees.
学习啦在线学习网 其他的绿色运动包括屋顶花园、蜂窝以及利用餐厅食物残渣在屋顶进行堆肥项目。
Its other green initiatives have included a rooftop garden, beehive, and rooftopcomposting of the restaurant's food scraps.
学习啦在线学习网 白天时,大脑就像一个忙乱的蜂窝——而进入NREM睡眠状态后,它就很少嗡嗡叫了。
During the day, your brain is a beehive of activity -- during NREM sleep it is barelyhumming.
学习啦在线学习网 由于过多的使用数据服务,各种品牌各种型号的手机在AT&T又老又慢的EDGE网络中常常被拒绝服务,或者完全关闭其蜂窝网络。
With so much data usage, phones of all varieties are frequently forced back toAT&T’s older and slower EDGE network, or are forced off the cellular networkaltogether.
这幅万圣节展示发生在以自由派闻名的西好莱坞。 一屋檐下吊着的穿红风衣的人体模特戴着佩林标志性的蜂窝头假发和眼镜,脖子上套着绳索。
A mannequin dressed to resemble the Alaska governor, with her trademarkbeehive hairdo and glasses, was hung by the neck from the eaves of the home infamously liberal West Hollywood. cn.reuters.com
学习啦在线学习网 International Data Corp. (IDC) estimates that all digital cellular handsets shippedin the future will be WAP-capable. edu.sina.com.cn
学习啦在线学习网 镜片的正面是光滑的,反面是矩阵机构的蜂窝,因此比其他类型的镜片更轻,更不容受引力畸变影响。
学习啦在线学习网 The mirrors have a smooth front and an open honeycomb matrix in back, makingthem much lighter than other mirrors and less prone to gravitational distortion. article.yeeyan.org
学习啦在线学习网 Ant colonies, beehives, termite mounts, flocks of birds, schools of fish arehealthier, smarter and stronger when working in teams, the sum much greater than the parts.
