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  superior difficulty

学习啦在线学习网   highly difficult



  Kayakers must intimately know the danger spots in advanced rapids, and I have done my homework.

学习啦在线学习网   诱惑侦查是被实践证明为破获此类高难度案件的有效措施之一。

  The enticement detection has proved to be one of the effective measures that uncover the difficult cases.


学习啦在线学习网   橡皮艇漂流者必须洞悉高难度急流中的危险之处,我在这点上完成了要求。

学习啦在线学习网   Kayakers must intimately know the danger spots in advanced rapids, and I have done my homework.


  As a 14-year-old, he became the first person to complete a single back flip in a wheelchair in 2008.


  Brown-throated three-toed sloths are good swimmers and are sometimes encountered crossing rivers or lakes.


  Difficult to undertake all types of clothing boutique printing, a number of glass platform.Ramps Taiwan, horsepower set-up.The strength of the company for the joint venture company in Guangdong!


  Even now, as the Lakers lead the league in scoring and winning percentage, Kobe continues to abort the triangle offense in favor of forcing shots in just about every situation and from every angle.


学习啦在线学习网   Comparing the practice effect of the three item banks with different difficulties, the item bank with low difficulty shows significantly better effect than those with the moderate and high difficulty.


  She is also a three-time world champion on the vault, having performed one moveso difficult that it now bears her name.

学习啦在线学习网   一组人拿到的选项使用的是小字体低对比度(高难度条件),而另一组人拿到的选项使用的是大字体高对比度(低难度条件)。

学习啦在线学习网   One group was given these options in a small, low-contrast font (high-difficultycondition) while a second group was given the same options in a larger, highcontrast font (low-difficulty condition).

学习啦在线学习网   事实上,编写一个操作系统是被很多人认为是一件具有很高难度的编程任务。

学习啦在线学习网   In fact, writing an OS is considered the most difficult programming task by manypeople.

学习啦在线学习网   奥康纳说,这个发现说明了那时当地人已经熟练掌握了进行如此高难度的捕捉所需要的技术。

学习啦在线学习网   The find shows that the people living in the region had the sophisticated cognitive skills needed to haul in such a difficult catch, O'Connor says.

学习啦在线学习网   他们做出各种高难度的动作和跳跃来吸引观众们。

学习啦在线学习网   They executed difficult movements and jumps to impress the audience.


  She often challenges difficult movements.


  In a 2004 study at the University of California at San Diego, researchers irritatedpeople by giving them a difficult task then nudging them to go faster.

学习啦在线学习网   ESO收到了大约80份参赛作品(在Flickr 网上面你可以全部看见),考虑到这项工程的高难度,就相当感人。

  The ESO got about 80 entries (all of which you can see on Flickr), which is actually pretty impressive considering the high level of difficulty involved in theproject.

学习啦在线学习网   据报道,此轮赛事的冠军是英国运动员盖里·亨特,他以一组完美的高难度入水动作获得160分的高分。

  And it was a Briton who triumphed - Gary Hunt, who made a perfect and difficultdive and got the day's top score of 160.00 points.


学习啦在线学习网   Twenty-five percent of the Shanghai students showed advanced thinking skills tosolve difficult math problems. The OECD average was three percent.

学习啦在线学习网   DataDisplayDebugger是GDB的图形前端,它甚至支持高难度的任务,比如虚拟化使用指针链接的数据结构。

  The GNU debugger (GDB) is quite powerful; the Data Display Debugger is agraphical front end for GDB and even supports difficult tasks like the visualizationof pointer-linked data structures.

  法国奥尔德巴伦机器人研究公司(AldebaranRobotics)研制的机器人Nao是类人型机器人,它外形小巧可爱,全自动、可编程、拥有良好的认知能力,身体还可以自由转动25度来完成高难度的动作。 科学家曾把它们组成足球队参加国际性的机器人比赛——机器人世界杯足球赛。

  The Nao Robot by Aldebaran Robotics, is an amazingly advanced bot that boastscognitive skills, a high level of motion with 25 degrees of freedom and itsprogrammable.

学习啦在线学习网   由于内环路仍未建成且由于高成本和拆除已有建筑的高难度而道路标准较低,大部分区内交通不得不利用二环路完成。

学习啦在线学习网   As the Inner Ring road is still incomplete and of low standard due to the highcosts and difficulty of demolition of existing housing, most inter-district traffic has to use the Second Ring Road.


  The deep analysis of typicalness of A Q will not stop for ever. This is where it has an endless artistic charm.


  An advanced pupil can do advanced work : it does not matter what age the child is.


学习啦在线学习网   There is always something to learn about effective fathering, what is more, beinga successful father is a severe trial, a baffling and comprehensive examinationwhich has no end.


学习啦在线学习网   But is science at a juncture today where instruments and equipment havereached a high level of standardisation, allowing newcomers to import them and do sophisticated research almost immediately?


  One of his eyes was injured in an accident, but after a delicate operation, hequickly recovered his sight.

  您还可以使用相同的方法执行一些高难度的UNIX 操作。

学习啦在线学习网   You can also use the same techniques to perform some UNIX wizardry.


学习啦在线学习网   The highly complex maneuver is known as the Cheng Fei vault.