
be bad for的同义词

时间: 楚欣650 分享

  be bad for释义:对 ... 有害; 对 ... 不利。那么be bad for的同义词是什么你知道吗,以下是学习啦小编为大家整理了be bad for的同义词和例句,以供大家参考。

  be bad for的同义词

  be harmful to

学习啦在线学习网   to the detriment of

  be bad for的同义词例句

  Smoking can be harmful to your health.

学习啦在线学习网   吸烟对身体有害。

  Fruit juices can be harmful to children's teeth.


  This can be harmful to your health if ingested.


学习啦在线学习网   Fatty food will be harmful to you.

学习啦在线学习网   太油的食物对你没好处。

学习啦在线学习网   Reading in a dim light can be harmful to the eyes.


  Both smoking and drinking are harmful to health.


  be bad for的英语例句

  I wish I did not have to waste my Sunday go to a wedding ... but it'd be bad for business not to go.

  我不想出席婚礼牺牲星期天 ... 但不去对生意往来又不好。

  A surfeit of rich food is bad for you.

学习啦在线学习网   多吃油腻食物对身体有害。

  Not studying will be to your disadvantage.


学习啦在线学习网   Too much greasy food isn't good for you.


  This could be bad for US industry. 这对美国工业来说是很糟糕的。

  That would be bad for bankers and good for everyone else. 这对银行家是坏事,对其他所有人都是好事。

  Well, immediately you get an objection ? You say, how could nonexistence bebad for me? 你立刻就会提出异议,你说,不存在怎么可能对我来说有坏处?

  But while low energy costs come as welcome short-term relief to consumers andcompanies struggling with the financial and economic crisis, longer term they canbe bad for everyone. 不过这种低能源成本对于短期来救济消费者说是受欢迎的,还有那些挣扎在金融和经济危机中的公司。 那么对于长期效益,是件糟糕的事情。

  After all, the whole point of nonexistence is you don't exist ? How could anythingbe bad for you when you don't exist? 毕竟不存在的全部意义就是,你不存在,怎么可能有什么东西对你来说有坏处?

  Ironically, this could itself be bad for shares, if it reduces the pressure on central banks to ease further. 讽刺的是,这本身对股价可能是坏消息——如果它减轻了各国央行所承受的进一步放松银根的压力的话。

学习啦在线学习网   Too much freedom can be bad for creatives, but there's significant evidence thatit makes regular folks unhappy, too. 太多自由对创意人员而言可能是件坏事。但有足够证据表明,太多自由也会让普通人不开心。

  Her mother tempted her with tasty meat dishes, and herfriends told her the dietwould be bad for her health. 她母亲用美味的肉食去诱惑她,并且她的朋友告诉她这种饮食将是对她的健康不利。

  To sort of give you a quick taste, if after my death I won't exist, how couldanything be bad for me? 让你们先来体会一下,如果在我死后,我不存在了,对我来说怎么会有坏事情?

  Wolfing down your food can be bad for your health, but who knew the same principle could apply to an entire galaxy? 吃东西时狼吞虎咽对身体不好,但是有谁知道对一个星系来说这个道理也是适用的?

学习啦在线学习网   And in particular, then ? how could nonexistence be bad for you when you don'texist? 特别是你都不存在了,不存在对你来说又有什么坏处呢?

学习啦在线学习网   How could anything be bad for me once I'm dead? 我死后又有什么事情能对我不好呢?

  Raw vegetables, which are included in many diets, can be bad for those suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcer or pancreatitis. 在节食餐单中常见的生蔬菜对胃炎、胃溃疡、胰腺炎的患者都是不利的。

  Mountains are covered in snow near Lake Pyramid - the weather might be badfor drivers but its good news for skiers. 皮拉米德湖附近的山上已经覆盖了积雪,恶劣的天气对司机们来说是个坏消息,但对于滑雪爱好学习啦在线学习网者来说绝对是个好消息。

  If I don't exist,how can it be bad for me that I'm dead? 如果我不存在,那死亡对我又有什么不好呢?

  What might be bad for one person might change another person’s life for thebetter. 对你来说的好事对别人来说不见得好,对你来说的坏事或许能让另一个人的生活改观。

学习啦在线学习网   It may bring clarity over who is in charge, but it will still be bad for Russia 俄罗斯将由谁执政已经很明了了,但是对于俄罗斯来说这仍就是个坏消息。

  If you focus on the bad, it will be bad for you. 把注意力放在不好的事情上对你没什么好处。

学习啦在线学习网   Working for an incompetent boss can be bad for your health. 为一个不称职的老板工作,可能对健康不利。

学习啦在线学习网   That will cost the U.S. exports to Asia, and that will truly be bad for Americanjobs. 这将增加美国产品出口到亚洲的成本,这明显将对美国就业产生不利影响。








be bad for的同义词

be bad for释义:对 ... 有害; 对 ... 不利。那么be bad for的同义词是什么你知道吗,以下是学习啦小编为大家整理了be bad for的同义词和例句,以供大家参考。 be bad for的同义词 be harmful to to the detriment of be bad for的同义