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学习啦在线学习网   colorful释义:华美的;富有色彩的;有趣的。以下是学习啦小编为大家整理了colorful的反义词和例句,以供参考。


学习啦在线学习网   colorless


学习啦在线学习网   Pyridine is a colorless chemical liquid.

学习啦在线学习网   吡啶是一种无色的化学液体。

  Hundreds of years later,a comparatively colorless glass was made in Venice.

学习啦在线学习网   几百年后,威尼斯制出了一种相对无色的玻璃。


  The children from ethnic minorities were featured with colorful costumes.


  Next week, we will finish telling about the colorful nicknames of American states.


学习啦在线学习网   It was an interesting scene to see policewomen or other working women in uniforms wearing colorful headscarves.


学习啦在线学习网   Although my camera did not quite capture how bright and colorful it was in person, I still like the photo. 尽管我的照相机无法完全拍摄到它的明亮和彩色,可是我仍然很喜欢这张照片。

  He and his friends are daubing the outside walls with colorful cartoons, flowersand abstract designs, some in fluorescent paint that shines in the daylight. 他和他的朋友们将屋外的围墙花满了五颜六色的卡通、花和抽象的图案,有些用荧光漆画的图案在白天闪闪发光。

学习啦在线学习网   For example, when most people think of shapes, they think of colorful geometricsurfaces. 例如,当大多数人想起形状时,他们想到的都是彩色几何面。

  These colorful fish have a layer of mucous that keeps the anemone from stingingit. 这些五颜六色的鱼长着一层粘膜,保护它们不会被海葵刺痛。

学习啦在线学习网   Or, do we make full use of the richer resources and advanced technology toenjoy a more colorful life? 或者,我们也可以充分利用更丰富的资源和更先进的科技,来享受一个更多彩的人生?

  Many people buy an evergreen tree for Christmas. They put it in their house andhang small lights and colorful objects on its branches. 许多人会买一棵常青树过圣诞,人们把它放在他们的房间中,然后在他们的枝丫上挂满小小的彩灯和彩色的物品。

  Women wear colorful silk, cotton, or velvet dresses and head scarves. 女人穿彩色丝绸、棉花或绒的衣服和头巾。

学习啦在线学习网   I won't include all of the JSP, because it builds selection menus along the sides ofthe list, a nice header with images at the top, and lots of other wonderful andcolorful things. 我不会包含进全部的JSP,因为它在列表旁边建立了一个选择菜单,一个顶部有图像的很漂亮的表头,还有其它许多有趣的五颜六色的东西。

  There are over 3, 000 known species of these colorful sea slug relatives, and new ones are discovered nearly every day. 在那里有着3000多种的、已知的彩色的海参类动物,几乎每一天就可以发现一些新品种。

学习啦在线学习网   Any page tab can be made into an application tab with one click and the resulting"tab" is represented with the colorful icon for that site or service. 任何页面标签都能够点击一下即可进入应用标签,最终的 “标签”带有彩色的图标,因站点或者服务不同而有差异。

学习啦在线学习网   In a sign of a gradual relaxation of social restrictions, some Iranian women wearlong trousers and knee-length tight robes, and allow part of their hair to spill outfrom under colorful scarves. 在有迹象表明社会约束在逐渐放松的情况下,有些伊朗妇女穿上了长裤和到膝盖的紧身衣服,并让部分头发从彩色的头巾下飘散出来。

学习啦在线学习网   Through this blog posting, you are provided with some basic information aboutwhy buying colorful baby clothes can be a great idea. 为什么购买多彩童装是个很棒的主意呢?关于这一点,本篇博客日志将告诉你一些基本信息。

  Ideally, the book's cover should be colorful and give some idea of what the bookis about. 理想情况下,书的封面应该是丰富多彩的并且提供一些关于这本书的内容。

学习啦在线学习网   Her students push their colorful pencils topped with thick, spongy erasers acrosstheir tablets. 她的学生们用彩色铅笔头上的柔软橡皮在笔记本上擦着。

学习啦在线学习网   The artist wants you to discover this family of animals through these colorfulimages. 这位艺术家希望你能够通过这些丰富多彩的图像重现认识这种动物。

学习啦在线学习网   Photo Tip: Festivals, parades, and similar events offer an ideal chance tophotograph people at their most colorful and at a time when everyone expects tobe photographed. 拍照小技巧:节日,游行,以及其他类似的时间,是拍摄穿着鲜艳的人们的最好时机,而且这时候每个人都希望自己成为拍摄对象。

  In Jamaica's Long Bay, a snorkeler watches a school of sergeant major fish,named for the colorful stripes that resemble a sergeant insignia. 在牙买加长湾,一名潜水员在观察一群军士长鱼(雀鲷),它因身上的彩色条纹颇似军士的徽章而得名。

  A colorful iguana is captured up close on Cozumel Island off the eastern coast ofthe Yucatán Peninsula. 在尤卡坦半岛东海岸外科苏梅尔岛近距离捕捉到一只彩色大蜥蜴的影像。

  Dancers, known as cuadrillas, wear colorful costumes and jump through the airwith pairs of scissors to the accompaniment of harp and fiddle music. 那些跳舞者,也是斗牛士的助手,身穿彩色服装,伴随着竖琴与小提琴的乐声跳过一双双剪刀的空隙处。

学习啦在线学习网   Turns out, they found colorful bugs on almost all the toxic plants but less thanhalf of the harmless plants. And black, brown and gray bugs didn’t have apreference—they ate indiscriminately. 结果发现,几乎所有的有毒植物都存在彩色昆虫,但只有一半的无毒植物有彩色昆虫;而黑色、褐色和灰色的昆虫则没有这种偏好性,在采食时没有选择。