学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语单词 > descend的反义词


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  The stairs in the hotel ascend in a graceful curve.


  A small party is planning to ascend Mount Everest.


学习啦在线学习网   Setting foot on the island, he began to ascend the trail.



学习啦在线学习网   descend,drop,fall,sink

学习啦在线学习网   这些动词都表示“落下,下降”之意。

  descend 通常指沿斜线或斜坡下降。

  drop 指物体从一定高度落下。

  fall 与drop同义,指突然或猛烈地降落,但fall也可指任何下落,同高度或形式无关。

  sink 指在空气或水中垂直下降、下沉。


  The sun descended behind the hills.


学习啦在线学习网   I wish that the prices can descend.

学习啦在线学习网   但愿物价会下降。

  I didn't expect him to descend to personal abuse.

学习啦在线学习网   我没料到他会堕落到对我进行人身攻击的地步。

  At 6:30 p.m. the tropical darkness descends.


  The custom has descended to our day.

学习啦在线学习网   这一习俗一直传到今天。

  Armed thieves descended on the helpless travelers.


  My sister's family is descending on us this weekend.

学习啦在线学习网   想不到我姐姐一家本周末要到我们这里来

  To reach the Martian surface, NASA envisions an aerodynamic lander that flies down with thrusters to help it descend. 为了到达火星表面,NASA设想一种空气动力着陆器,用推进器帮助它下降。

  The bell pulses to give some directional control, but mostly they drift with the wind. It expels gas to descend, and expels water from trim bladders to rise. 膜囊有规律的摆动以提供一些方向性的控制但它们主要是随波逐流.它通过排出气体来下降 通过压缩气囊排出水来上升.

学习啦在线学习网   Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see andbelieve. 以色列的王基督,现在可以从十字架上下来,叫我们看见,就信了。

  This morning I simply dived into deep water off the rocks nearest to the house,where they descend almost sheer, yet with folds and ledges enough to make aprecarious stairway. 今天早上我只是在最靠近房子的礁石深水处潜水。那里的石头陡然下降,多处坑壑和暗礁形成了一段不稳固的阶梯。

  Winds from the south and southeast sweep through Beijing in summer. Theyblow pollutants to the north and northwest, where the mountains slow down theirspread, letting them descend upon the city. 在夏天,北京通常刮南风或东南风,会把污染物往北边吹,可是北京的北部和西北部的高山会阻挡污染物的扩散,使得污染物易于在市内沉积下来。

学习啦在线学习网   Open the hatchand descend a metal ladder to find your bedroom -- in awatertight chamber suspended in the water beneath the hut. 打开舱口顺着梯子下去可以找到卧室。卧室的设计很独特,位于小屋下方浮在水中的防水密室里。

学习啦在线学习网   In future, astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still inspace and to return to it. 到将来,人们将要求宇航员在飞船停在太空时从飞船里走下来并且再回到里面去。

学习啦在线学习网   It includes an observation tower, elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls, and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe Falls. 它包括一个观察塔、能够下降到美国瀑布谷底峡谷的电梯和能够进入马蹄瀑 布谷底水域的船只。

学习啦在线学习网   The new findings could advance the ongoing debate on the phylogenetic statusof hind-limbed snakes—whether they are a peculiar sister group or the ur-snake from which all others descend. 这项新发现可以推进有关后足蛇类在种族演化进程中的地位的不休争论——他们究竟是一种特殊的分支种群,还是其他各种蛇类在遗传意义上的鼻祖?

学习啦在线学习网   To retrieve the craft, it would need to deploy a parachute, descend through theclouds and transmit a GPS coordinate to a cell phone tower. Then we have tofind it. 为了设备能被取回,它需要打开降落伞穿过云层下降,把GPS坐标发射到手机基站,然后我们必须要找到它。

学习啦在线学习网   For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend afterhim. 因为他死的时候,什么也不能带去。他的荣耀不能随他下去。

学习啦在线学习网   Descend and appease your hunger with our bread and quench your thirst withour wine. 下来用我们的面包充饥,用我们的葡萄酒解渴吧。

学习啦在线学习网   Should you reach the summit you would have only one desire, and that todescend and be with those who dwell in the deepest valley. 一旦你登上顶峰,你就只有一个愿望,那就是往下走入最深的峪谷里,和那里的人民一同生活。

  I cannot descend to be tricked out of assurances that are not really wanted. 我不能屈从地去被那些并不是真正应该说出的话所欺骗。

  If all goes according to plan, however, a team of biologists and mathematiciansfrom the University of Sydney will soon descend on a swarm and try to resolvethe mystery. 似乎它们的行动很有计划,然而,一队来自悉尼大学的生物学家和数学家们很快突然袭击了一群蝗虫并试图解开这个秘密。





