学习啦在线学习网 “温馨熟美鲜香起,似笑无言习君子。”下面就由学习啦小编为大家带来关于温馨的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。
温馨 warm and sweet
学习啦在线学习网 温馨真情 The Spitfire Grill
温馨小贴士 WARM TIP
温馨提醒 Warm Remind ;
温馨贴士 WARM TIPS ;Wedding Tips
温馨归宿 Warm home ; Warm end ; Warm and ultimate destination
温馨小窝 Cozy nest
温馨酒店 Cozy Guest House ;
Ann: Yes, I hope my house could be a real sweet home, a place to refresh spirits, but not just aplace to shelter.
学习啦在线学习网 而张娜娜向父母交代的理由使得这原本充满温馨和欢笑的一家陷入沮丧和痛苦中。
The reason that Zhang gave her parents has plunged a home filled with warmth and laughterinto distress and agony.
学习啦在线学习网 我那时不晓得它离我是那么近,而且是我的,这完美的温馨,还是在我自己心灵的深处开放.
I knew not then that it was so near, that it was mine, and that this perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart.
Using humor and warmth, she addresses feelings of awkwardness in common activities, such as eating, drinking and walking.
When I think of horses, I don`t think horse`s teeth or horse face or whatever it is that worriesyou, I think of something good, warm, soft, strong.
学习啦在线学习网 这些故事都很温馨——而托宾先生对他带来的每本新作都能给出更确定的声音。
These stories are sweet—and Mr Tóibín’s voice more assured with every new book he bringsout.
学习啦在线学习网 既保持了由(石油制成的)蜡烛创造的温馨氛围和香气,也不会释放有害的室内空气污染物。
They do not release potentially harmful amounts of indoor air pollutants while retaining all of thewarmth, ambience and fragrance of paraffin candles (which are made from petroleum).
学习啦在线学习网 A warm wish from your son on Father's Day.
There should be some small warm and touch stories pass down from generation to generationin my perfect university.
学习啦在线学习网 您更可以在一个温馨的夏日黄昏走进自然.
You may retreat to nature as well aon mcool summerq evening.
学习啦在线学习网 这里,是你温馨浪漫温暖的家园。
Here is your romantic warmth of their homes.
学习啦在线学习网 The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.
学习啦在线学习网 温和的父母发明温馨的家。
学习啦在线学习网 A placid parent makes a placid home.
学习啦在线学习网 The back of the house is longer and faces a yard with a patio.
Her laughter and fragrance and willful glances were his tribute.
学习啦在线学习网 本旅馆客房优美宽敞,给您温馨的感觉。
学习啦在线学习网 Elegant and spacious rooms of this hotel give you tender feelings.
I am sure that everything will be heartening and warming.
The air burbled with hellos and choir members warming up.
A phyllodes tumor of the breast is shown here.